Dad: Extraordinary Influencer

If you are like me, you have had many influences in your life. Some good, some bad. But we each have a few folks whose example and experience outweigh all the rest. Within the framework of Father’s Day, I hope you will bear with me as I reflect on my own Dad.

Dad was a younger one of six children. Raised in a strict household where French was still the first language. The children began boarding school in the first grade. Girls with the nuns at the convent, boys with the brothers at the monastery. Working in the family business, a laundry, early on.

Still in high school when World War II broke out, Dad enlisted in the Navy, following his older brother, a PT boat officer. Dad rose to become a “Photographer’s Mate, Second Class.” I have his photos of FDR and ordinary sailors. Aircraft carriers and plane crashes. Aerial reconnaissance and portraiture.

Dad’s boss, commander of the Naval Air Station, Philadelphia, was pleased with his portrait. So pleased that no disciplinary action was taken after an incident that involved Dad parachuting from a perfectly good aircraft. Early on Sunday morning. To see what it was like.

Work And Family; Family And Work

After the war, he worked his way through college as a wedding photographer. Raising a family (eight of us kids), he taught at an inner-city school by day. Got home for a nap at 3:30. Dinner at 5:30. Off to the local Narragansett brewery to punch in at 6 pm, punch out at 2 am. Another nap. Up and at ‘em at 6:30. Sixteen hours a day for sixteen years. Quite an example.

Dad did not loaf around on weekends, either. Between his woodwork shop and photography darkroom, he kept making and creating. Busy. And he kept his oldest son, his apprentice assistant, busy too… running for tools, holding stuff in place, “helping.” Quite an experience.

Secure In The Universe… And Beyond

My father is a faithful Catholic Christian. Putting all those kids through parochial school was expensive, but there was no question.

Dad and Mom made it clear that each of us would have to figure out college on our own. At age 10, I had a paper route with my younger brother Mark. Six days a week, it was an evening paper. On Sundays, Mark and I got up extra early to deliver the morning edition. That paper route was not for “spending money,” it was a college fund. Papers delivered, we would rush home, wash up, and in our Sunday best for 9 o’clock Mass. No excuses. And you had better be in the car waiting for Dad.

Dad has never stopped learning or teaching. Summers, he continued to work full time at the brewery. But with school out, he took college classes for his master’s degree. I was ten years old, but he took me along and parked me in the library. After class he’d try to explain what he’d learned and why it mattered. Even today, you cannot talk with Dad for 5 minutes without him bringing up something new.

All The Dad-Isms Fit To Print

Most of the “Dad-isms” I heard growing up are too pungent to share, but here are a few:

1. Why can’t you be like Wally?! (A reference to the infinitely patient older brother on the Leave It to Beaver TV show).
2. Is this the best of your garden?! (Biblical reference, I think… has to do with Cain and Abel, first fruits of labor and that sort of thing).
3. Are you waiting for a personal invitation?! (In a family of 11, mom, dad, 8 kids, plus our Irish grandmother, Nana, nobody got a “personal invitation” to anything).

Today, others would judge his methods too strict and without concern for self-esteem. All I know is that he’s got 8 kids and 19 grandchildren, all of whom are doing just fine, thank you!

Like your own father, my Dad fundamentally influenced who I have become. Any drive, determination, or faith I have are echoes of his. My Dad celebrates his 96th birthday this Father’s Day from the family home on Cape Cod. Look him up on Facebook! He’d love to hear from you (if he’s not too busy!).

Covid Over? 331 Million Americans Suffering, 33 Million Americans Infected, 600 Thousand Americans Killed, Government Gone Wild, Rust Belt Revival Risk

They Can Always Make It Worse

Have you noticed that our government is shoveling money out the door as fast as they can “print” it? Trillions (that is trillions, with a “TR”) of dollars have been conjured up out of thin air in the last couple years. How much is trillions? Lots. And lots. And lots. And then some…

Washington, D.C. Government computers humming along. Busily churning out all these brand-new dollars. Who needs a printing press? Besides, there isn’t that much paper on the planet.

Meantime, in the real world… I am sure you recall that place… the place with lockdowns, new normal, rules for thee but not for me… In that place, the economy tanked. Factories froze. Companies closed. Businesses busted. Hotels hurt. Restaurants retreated. Get the picture? If not, look out the window.

Let’s recap.

An Unbelievable, Incredible, Super Tidal Wave of Dollars.

Fewer Goods and Services. (Check out your local new car dealer).

Can you say, “Inflation?” I knew you could!

What is coming next? How can we deal with it?

These Truths We Hold To Be Self-Evident

If you are like me, you see the government as a monster that gobbles up tax dollars and spits out pot-holed roads. You and I do not expect good things from government bureaucrats, promises or programs. We wish they would just take the money from our paychecks and leave us alone. We cheered when Ronald Reagan said, “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the Government, and I’m here to help.”

Most of us middle-class folks who work for a living have enormous compassion for our truly disadvantaged brothers and sisters. Middle-class Americans, by far, are the most generous, charitable, open-handed people in the world. You can look it up. Helping strangers. Donating to charities. Volunteering time and effort. We do it. And we do more of it than anyone in the world. Authentic charity to solve genuine problems of our undeniably needy American family makes us feel great. Our hearts glow.

On the other hand, we are exasperated by government “social programs”. Huge sums dedicated to noble causes. Tiny dribbles of cash to those in need. Hard-earned dollars stupidly squandered on politically correct and tragically senseless schemes. Most of the money going to professional parasites, the Beltway Bandits. It is no coincidence that Washington, D.C. is surrounded by the richest communities in America. Tough job doling out your cash, but hey, somebody’s gotta do it!

Brave New World True Confessions

People like us cannot imagine that we would ever again see any of the money forked from our paychecks by government. Let others put their snouts in the trough. Just leave us enough to get by. We will figure it out. Frugality: beans and rice, rice and beans… Besides, it seems wrong that anything would come back to us… That is not how it works.

But pandemic panic politics has changed things. Can we deny the evidence of our own eyes? Radical reactions fundamentally overhauled our public policy. And economy. And our ability to plan.

None of us want the hand-out. Other folks got the gimmees, but not us. We play by the rules. Fairly. But what can we do when, in the middle of the game, they change the rules? Are we supposed to roll over and die? Go broke? Submit? No, thank you very much!

The World Turned Upside Down. Adapt Or Die… Or At Least Go Broke.

Many of us remember when expensive long-term care was unusual. Nursing Home Poverty was not a concern. Your grandmother did not have to sell the farm because your grandfather had dementia. Nor did your great-grandmother. Nor your great-great-grandmother. Regular people could save up, help the next generation. Not so much anymore. Failing to plan for long-term care in the 21st Century means, nursing home poverty, no choice, no legacy. Planning means security for you and your loved ones.

Just a short time ago, mere months, small businesspeople were riding high. Record numbers of women, Blacks, Asians, all sorts of ambitious entrepreneurs, were rolling up their sleeves and getting down to business. Sure, taxes, regulations, and competition were still big worries. But success was in the air. What do you smell today? Desperation. Confusion. Fear.

Government is pumping floods of cash to your competitors. Belly up to the bar! You cannot ignore the new reality or wish it away.

Truth And Consequences

Skilled care at $12,000 per month means you will need Medicaid. Broke or not broke, that is up to you. If you are like me, you will not like it. But it is not up to us. Our likes and dislikes are irrelevant.

Payroll Protection Plan, Economic Injury Disaster Loan, Employee Retention Tax Credit, Stimulus Payments. Just a few of the government programs dumping tons of money on small business.
The competition is getting this money. Other businesspeople have received and are receiving tens to hundreds of thousands. Direct from the money factory. If you are like me, you do not like it. Neither do I. But we cannot wish it away.

How can you say NO! to money that keeps your team members’ children clothed and fed, mortgages paid, and bills up to date? They made the rules. We must play by them or lose all we have worked for.

Paul Revere Rides Again
Inflation Is Coming,
Inflation Is Coming!

Gas prices at a 7-year high. Low interest rates. Sky high housing. Families priced out – cannot afford it! Factories shut down. Pipelines closed. Workers paid more to stay home than they could earn by working. Some prices have not changed, but there are fewer Cheerios, garbage bags, less laundry detergent in that box. More Money. Less Stuff. This is what inflation looks like.

How can local business survive? To get through this human-made storm, shouldn’t you take advantage of every opportunity? Including the uncomfortable, unavoidable opportunities provided by government programs? You did not ask for the money. You did not want the money. But the programs are here, your competition is taking advantage. You cannot afford to ignore them any longer. It is a matter of survival.

Most people, faced with disaster, will close their eyes. Hope for the best. And watch their business, life savings, and achievements of a lifetime evaporate like a snowflake on a hot griddle. Why do hard-working, prudent, frugal, middle-class entrepreneurs accept poverty? Most of the time?

Small Business Salvation – Employee Retention Tax Credit
Ten Things Everyone Always Gets Wrong (Mostly)

1. I got Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) money, I’m out!
False. PPP is irrelevant. Does not matter! Chin up… you can qualify whether your PPP loan was for Draw 1 or Draw 2, forgiven or not.

2. I did not qualify for PPP money, I’m a loser!
False. See #1, above. No relation between the programs. Irrelevant!

3. My business revenue did not decline, poor, poor pitiful me!
False. Is it a slam dunk if you had a revenue decline? Pretty much. But if putting in those 16-hour days means you kept the money coming in, we argue that COVID still fell on your business like a ton of bricks. Hundreds of pages of lawyer-talk interpret the law. It is complex. Do NOT jump to conclusions, bad or good.

4. I did not completely shut down, I’m sunk!
False. By soldiering on, you are a hero to me! Sure, complete shutdown is another (pretty much) slam dunk. But there’s more than one way to skin that cat!

5. My enterprise is an “Essential Business”, woe is me!
False. ERTC is supposed to keep people on the payroll. Being essential does not automatically disqualify you. For example, hospitals (pretty “essential” right?) clearly qualify. You might too!

6. I did not pay enough income tax to use a tax credit, I’m up a creek.
False. This is a refundable tax credit. If you can’t use the whole amount to offset tax, the government will shoot you a refund check. Also, as a payroll tax credit, your income doesn’t matter for eligibility.

7. Our FTE employment numbers are down, and our turnover is so high, I installed a revolving door! I’m down and dizzy.
False. Good News! The ERTC amount is based on the wages you paid to employees. It does not matter that they later left.

8. I managed to hire even more folks. I am doomed by my success.
False. Hey there hero! Not only can you qualify, you might even get a larger tax credit.

9. I was dazed and confused by the PPP process and this ERTC looks even worse. I do not want another migraine!
BINGO! The exception that proves the rule. ERTC is guaranteed to give you a splitting headache, halitosis, and the heartbreak of psoriasis. Or not. But payroll companies are asking their clients to sign liability waivers for messing this up. Our research and expertise will lighten your load.

10. My brother-in-law the accountant can do this. I am as confident in his abilities as I was in my electrician brother-in-law who burned down our house. Could have happened to anyone!
Well, maybe. We have heard too many accounts of accountants mistakenly claiming businesses would not qualify. Sometimes they are correct. Sometimes they just do not do the hard work of digging through the law. Go ahead, roll the dice on your future.

Not Chance, Your Choice

There is nothing inevitable about losing your independence and security. All of that is a choice. Despite what “everybody else” says. For thirty years, people have told me, “I’ve never heard of this before!” “If this is real, why doesn’t everyone do it?” “My lawyer / financial advisor / brother-in-law / accountant / tax person / banker / best friend / fill-in-the-blank never said anything like this…”

Well, here you are. Now you know. No excuses. You have the information, insight, inspiration. Now it is your turn. Ignore the message? Invite poverty? Or get the freely offered information. To make wise decisions. For you. For your loved ones.

No Poverty. No Charity. No Waste.

It is not chance. It is choice. Your choice. Get Information Now.

(800) 317-2812

Elephants In The Room

Ever go to the zoo? Remember the Elephant House? Couple of big ole elephants in there… Elephants doing what comes naturally. Smelled strong, right? Tough to deny there is an elephant (or two) nearby. You can hear them breathing… moving around.

Now, if an elephant is sharing a room with you, wouldn’t that be significant? I tend to think it would be an important fact, don’t you? It is possible, perhaps, you would want to deal with your companion somehow. Well, I suppose you could pretend that there is no elephant. But wouldn’t that be foolish? Dangerous, even. Not good. You might step in something. Something might step on you. Either way… Squish!

Let us say you figured this one out. Using your five senses, plus common sense. Do you really need Sherlock Holmes, Columbo, or MacGyver for this one? And yet, various people, who claim to be experts, are trying to tell you there are no elephants. These people covered up the elephants with bedsheets. They talk about everything else. Minor stuff. Distractions. Everything except what is most important. But you cannot hide an elephant with a bedsheet! Yet they try. Why? What is going on here?

Long Term Care – The Biggest Elephant In The Room

What is the problem? Middle-class families go broke. All the time. Routinely. It is accepted and acceptable to the so-called experts. I think it is horrible. To work for a lifetime, saving, scrimping, economizing. And watch it all vanish in a matter of months. A nightmare.

“Do not worry!” say the experts, as they try to cover up that elephant. Trying to convince you that probate or interest rates or inflation or taxes are the “real” problem. Long-term care, they say, is something that happens to someone else.

I am no great fan of government information. But even a blind squirrel gets lucky sometimes. Here are a few chestnuts from the federal Department of Health and Human Services. At, quoting:

  • Someone turning age 65 today has almost a 70% chance of needing some type of long-term care services and supports in their remaining years
  • Women need care longer (3.7 years) than men (2.2 years)
  • One-third of today’s 65-year-olds may never need long-term care support, but 20 percent will need it for longer than 5 years

You worked. You saved. You planned for your retirement. Time to relax. Travel. Spoil the grandkids. Not so fast. Not if you are like 70% of folks. You will probably need long-term care services for years. And leave your spouse destitute. And your legacy is…?

By ignoring the biggest, noisiest, smelliest elephant in the room, the burden of your care falls (like a ton of bricks) on your loved ones. If the caregiver is your spouse, they are as likely to die first as you are. Stressed out. Exhausted.

And the experts ignore all this. They want you to think that the real problem is how your kids get your stuff. As if there will be any stuff to get.

Yank the bedsheet off the elephant. Face the facts. Do not let fast-talkers distract you from the reality. Long-term care is the future for most of us. How are you going to deal with it?

Does It Matter To You? The Rich, The Poor, The Middle Class

Not everyone needs to worry about long-term care. Of the three large groups of Americans, only one really must be concerned. The Big Three are: The Rich, The Poor, The Middle Class.

Devastating Gut Punch. The Middle Class

Husband with some dementia. You can manage. Not much sleep. Stressful. But you can manage. Unfortunate fall. Broken hip. Hospitalization. Rehabilitation. Thank goodness for Medicare! And that Medicare Supplement insurance. Minimal out of pocket expense. Three weeks in rehab. Coming home? No.

You could barely handle him before. Now it is out of the question. He needs skilled care. At least for now… maybe he will get better… But Medicare is done. Insurance will not pay anymore. Now it is on you.

Letter in the mailbox. Looks like a bill. Return address: Nursing Home. First six weeks. $18,327. plus, tax. Your head hurts. You almost vomit. You have never seen a bill for this much. You have not spent $18,000 since you bought the house… What are you supposed to do? Better sit down. Quick.

It Don’t Matter To Me… The Rich, The Poor

The Rich. Your spouse transferred from rehabilitation to long-term care at the nursing home. The first bill came in today’s mail. Eighteen thousand dollars. Well. You did not think it would be cheap… actually pretty reasonable when you think about it. So, which account should you pay it from? The money market? Regular checking? Should probably ask the financial advisor… looks like this long-term care will be almost as expensive as maintaining the summer cottage and the ski condo, combined! Not counting the sailboat, jet skis or the golf cart, of course, let alone the horse boarding…

The Poor. Could not pay for the groceries without the Section 8 subsidized housing. Husband now in skilled nursing. How will you ever get transportation to visit? Hope there’s a bus line around there somewhere. Looks like a nursing home bill in the mail. Wow. That place is expensive! Eighteen thousand… and that’s just for the first six weeks. Sigh. Just put it on the stack with the other bills you cannot afford to pay. Have to prioritize… heat and groceries first. Good to know that with skilled nursing, his care is guaranteed. Even without Medicare or Medicaid or Medi-whatever, he will get the care he needs.

Long-Term Care Reality. Rich Man, Poor Man

It can be uncomfortable to look under the bedsheet and take a good hard look at the elephant everyone else is trying to hide. I do not apologize for that. Sometimes truth is not pretty. Facts can be inconvenient.

It is simply true that if you are wealthy, long-term care costs are manageable. You do not need me. Plenty of folks downtown in glass towers with expensive suits and ties are just dying to meet you. Original, incomprehensible art on the wall. Park in the ramp, bring your ticket for validation. Plan for long-term care or do not plan for long-term care, you are not going broke. Let those guys worry about your excess profit’s taxes, capital gains and all that…

It is also true that many families simply cannot begin to pay the costs of long-term care. A bill for $1200 is as much out of their reach as a bill for $12,000. And at that point, what does it matter? You cannot pay anyway. Social security cannot be taken from you. You will not be denied your housing assistance. Bills piling up are awful. Stressful. But at the end of the day, care will be given. Your personal property will not be taken. I cannot help you to preserve assets you do not have.

NOTE: The Medicaid system is extremely complex, with many variables, hurdles and hoops. It is not unusual for Medicaid to be denied to people who should qualify for benefits, often for technical reasons. Over the years, we have helped many such families resolve these issues and get the benefits. From time to time, we work with skilled nursing facilities to get the compensation they have earned by helping these families meet the legal requirements.

LifePlan™ Salvation For The Middle-Class

The rich do not need me. The poor I cannot directly help. That leave the middle-class. It is the middle-class savers, workers, builders that I can help. You get that bill: your guts turn to water, you are about to puke, and you are desperately searching for a place to sit down. Relax! Your LifePlan™ will take care of it. You saw the signs: 70% need long-term care services. One in Five need long-term care services for more than five years. You rejected nursing home poverty. You choose the path of reasonable optimism, while guarding against the potential downsides. Hope for the Best, Plan for the Worst.

The LifePlan™ approach is the least expensive, most effective solution to the harsh reality of long-term care. You opened your eyes when faced with long-term care costs. Accepted reality. Refused to allow your lifesavings evaporate like a snowflake on a hot griddle. Recognized the reality of the caregiver spouse dying first, almost half the time and fixed it. Rejected nursing home poverty.

Never Too Late

Sitting there with the nursing home bill in your hand, you say, “Coulda, shoulda, woulda… And now it is too late! Maybe that LifePlan™ Workshop or Webinar would have been a good idea.”

It is never too late. There is nothing inevitable about losing your home, cottage, business, lifesavings, independence. Planning is the best route, but not the only one. Even if the dementia diagnosis was your wake-up call. Even if your attention was finally focused by the slip and fall broken hip. Do not give up the ship! It is never too late for you to be the hero… to fight and win!

Not Chance, Your Choice. Uncover The Elephant!

There is nothing inevitable about nursing home poverty. Peace of mind and security are waiting for you. Right now. It is a choice. Despite what “everybody else” says. Despite their attempts to disguise the elephants in the room. For over thirty years, people have told me, “I’ve never heard of this before!” “If this is real, why doesn’t everyone do it?” “My lawyer/financial advisor/brother-in-law/accountant/tax person/banker/best friend/fill-in-the-blank never said anything like this…”

Well, here you are. Now you know. No excuses. Get the information, insight, inspiration. It is your turn. Ignore the message? Invite poverty? Or get the freely offered information. To make wise decisions. For you. For your loved ones.

No Poverty. No Charity. No Waste.

It is not chance. It is choice. Your choice.

Get Information Now. (800) 317-2812

Summertime Stories

Remember Grandma’s Cottage? You learned to swim there. Caught your first fish (what do I do NOW?!). Stealing bacon for bait when you ran out of worms. The leaky rowboat. Crammed with your cousins in sleeping bags on the “living room” floor. Trading stories in the dark. Grownups yelling “Shut up and go to sleep!” from the patio. Waiting for the charcoal to get just right. Hotdogs on the grill. Toasting marshmallows. Fireflies. That particular musty damp smell. Whatever happened to that place?

Well, they put all us kids on the deed, but it was sold when… Grandpa went into the nursing home… Uncle Chuck went bankrupt… Aunt Susan’s kids kept trashing the place… Aunt Beth got divorced… Cousin Ed needed college money… We just didn’t go anymore… Many reasons, no more memories, no more stories.

But the Cottage can be saved. You can do it. Your kids and grandkids can live those stories, create those memories. Share experiences. Bond as a family. Build the stories they’ll tell the next generation. Crammed with their cousins, in sleeping bags, in the same “living room.”

Do Not Trade The Cottage For The Nursing Home

Most folks simply do not plan for long-term care. You have heard bits and pieces. Old lake friends forced sale to pay the bills. Horror stories. Bad luck. Tough. Sorry it happened to them. Could not happen to your family.

Clarity is the first step. Estate planning is not about the next generation. It’s about you. Right now. Preserving what you own. Protecting what you value. Traditional estate planning fails families. Most folks eventually need long-term care. Most folks eventually sell the Cottage to pay for it. Simple as that.

You can avoid nursing home poverty. Why isn’t it your top priority? How? LifePlanning™. This system acknowledges that middle class prosperity and independence are destroyed by long-term care costs. LifePlanning™ first protects the Cottage and other family assets. Once life savings are protected, the family can intelligently and purposefully plan for life choices respected.

Now the Cottage is protected and purposefully planned. Life choices respected. No threat from health care, lawsuits, or long-term care expenses. Now we are able to look to the future. Some fundamentals are key.

Estate planning is not about the next generation. It’s about you.

Cottage Life Cycle

Cottages have a life cycle that is remarkably consistent. Ignoring the Cottage Life Cycle practically insures failure. Most planning ignores the Cottage Life Cycle.

Little Kid: Grandma’s Cottage is a magical place: sunny days, puffy clouds, fish a-biting, campfires, friends, swimming. Let’s go! Glorious!

Teenage Years: Grandma’s Cottage is a stinky dump. Why do I have to go? Not cool. Get me outta here!

Young Adult: Bills, bills, bills. Cottage? Sorry: no time, no interest. Cash me in my share of Grandma’s Cottage. So, what if you have to sell it? I ain’t got time for that now.

Married with Children: Gee, whatever happened to Grandma’s Cottage? Too bad our kids won’t have that experience. We can’t afford a Cottage at today’s prices. Even the rentals are outrageous. Too bad.

Grandma’s Cottage begins and ends as the most desirable place in the world. But in the meantime, urgency overrules importance, and the Cottage is sacrificed. Bad luck. And it doesn’t have to be that way. You can have both nostalgic memories and today’s adventure.

Two Traditional Techniques, Two Ways To Fail

Families have failed for generations to protect the family Cottage. I blame the lawyers who advise poorly. You think they would have learned by now. You would be wrong. For generations, the most popular techniques are “last man standing” and the “corporate model.” Both facilitate failure.

Last Man Standing

By far the easiest, cheapest, most popular, and least likely to succeed: “Putting the kids on the deed.” Usually as joint tenants with rights of survivorship. Sometimes (usually by mistake) as tenants in common. Disaster! Joint tenancy equals no rules. Everyone can do anything. No one must pay. And you cannot get out of it. Except by death. Example: Grandma and Grandpa put Aunt Sue and Uncle Chuck “on the deed.” They pass on. Aunt Sue pays all the taxes, utilities, upkeep. Uncle Chuck brings his 30 closest outlaw biker chums for the weekend. Every weekend. Aunt Sue cannot prevent it. Cannot stop him. Cannot make him pay his “fair share.” And if Uncle Chuck lives longer than Aunt Sue, he owns it all. It happens. Failure. But it does avoid probate… whoopee!

Sometimes, when one kid has great financial need (real or imagined), the others will agree to sell the Cottage. Failure again.

Corporate Calamity

So how about some rules? Great idea! And that is the basis for the “corporate model.” Create a limited liability company (“LLC”). Now there are rules. But a new problem. The corporate model gives each beneficiary the right to leave. And to be paid off. Compensated for their share of the Cottage. That is when the corporate model fails. Sooner or later, someone wants out. And they have a right to money. Which the family does not have. Forced sale of the Cottage. Failure.

Remember the Cottage Life Cycle. At some point, each beneficiary will “need” the money more than the Cottage. My experience is that it only takes one. One kid to say “Cash me in.” And then the Cottage is sold. Memories last forever, but that’s the end of the Cottage experience.

A New Hope: The National Park Model

Weaknesses of the Two Traditional Techniques are painfully obvious. And have caused great pain in thousands of families. New hope comes in the National Park Model. It is simple.

Grandma and Grampa want future generations to have magical, irreplaceable experiences. Grandma and Grampa know Cottage Life Cycle. They have seen it in operation. They want to guarantee their legacy.

Here’s the idea: National Parks were established to preserve the irreplaceable. Fill in the Grand Canyon? There isn’t another one. Pave over Yellowstone? Gone for all time. But. Set these treasures aside. Prohibit selfish or short-sighted decisions. Focus on the far future. Now things look different.

You can’t “cash in” your share of Yellowstone or Yosemite, just because you don’t plan to go. Why should you be able to “cash in” the Cottage? And wreck it forever?

You can’t just throw down a tent and sleeping bag in a national park. You have to pay the expenses you create. Why should anyone freeload on the Cottage? Why not establish a budget and other mechanisms that will ensure long term viability?

That’s how dozens of families are now protecting the Cottage today. Rules for harmony. Preserving the past for the future. Pay as you go, while building reserves. No desperation. No leaky roofs. No unpaid taxes.

The National Park Cottage Trust works well in many contexts. The hunting property. The family farm. The townhouse. Clarity eliminates family strife. Reliable rules cement family relationships. In a world of conflict and chaos, wouldn’t it be nice to establish a safe haven? Traditions that will endure. Memories down through the ages. Without regret.

In a world of conflict and chaos, wouldn’t it be nice to establish a safe haven?

Taking Care Of Yourself Is Taking Care Of Your Family

Too many families have the story of the Cottage, the Farm, the Hunting Cabin that “got away.” Your family does not have to suffer a similar fate. You can be the author. Rewrite the future story of your life and your family’s. The National Park Model approach preserves resources, strengthens relationships, achieves your highest goals. And when your great-great-great grandchildren laugh with delight, learning to swim, fish and camp on the Cottage you provided for them… Well, I expect you’ll hear it, all the way over on the other side of the Great Divide.

Call (800) 317-2812

(Note: Not Legal Advice!)

“What can I do to protect a property transferred via quit claim deed 2 years prior to entering assisted living from Medicaid?”

Two years ago, my father transferred a family property… to me via quitclaim deed. Currently no one resides there. He may be entering assisted living and it’s my understanding Medicaid can seize property within five years of transfer for estate recovery… Are there any steps that I can take prior to him entering assisted living to protect the house? He does currently own a… primary residence.

The Answer Is: It is complicated, but there are things you can do.

Divestment Definition & Dilemma

Dad deeding the “family property” to you was “divestment.” Divestment is the “transfer of a resource for less than fair market value.” Dad must report all divestments that were made within 60 months (that’s 5 years) before applying for Medicaid. If Dad gave stuff away in the 60 months before applying for Medicaid, Medicaid will impose a Penalty Period.

Penalty Period Pain

Here is how the Penalty Period works. Medicaid says that for every $9000 Dad gave away, Medicaid imposes a one-month penalty. In other words, Medicaid will not pay for Dad’s long-term care for a month for each $9000 Dad gave away. The Penalty Period, however, does not begin until Dad is broke and in long-term care.

What It All Means

If the “family property” that Dad gave you is worth $90,000, the Penalty Period will be 10 months long. The 10 months begins when Dad has no more money ($2000) AND Dad is in long-term care. Medicaid will not pay Dad’s bill. Dad has the Homestead, but no money. The bill does not get paid.

Nursing Homes do not like to not getting paid. Nursing Homes sue people who do not pay them. Nursing Home sues Dad. Dad sells Homestead. Now Dad has cash to pay the nursing home bill.

Dad spends all his cash. Now Dad has no money. But Dad still has a PENALTY PERIOD! Medicaid still will not pay. Nursing Home still does not like to not get paid. Nursing Home sues Dad again. Now Dad has nothing.

Nursing Home sues you. If Dad had not given the “family property” to you, Dad could have sold it to pay his bill. Giving the property to you is called a “fraudulent transfer.” Ugly name, ugly result. You sell the property and turn the cash over to the nursing home.

When this cash runs out… Dad still has a Penalty Period! But too bad, so sad for the nursing home now, because Dad has been drained dry.

Let’s rewind the clock…


Dad is still at home. Situation is not yet desperate. Is it possible for Dad to remain at home, if he received a certain amount of care?

Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly (“PACE”) might be the solution. PACE is Medicaid. PACE is administered by private organizations that manage the government/Medicaid dollars to keep your loved one at home. PACE does not provide 24/7/365 round-the-clock nursing care. But PACE enables thousands of folks to stay at home. Folks who would otherwise be in skilled nursing or assisted living.

REALLY GOOD NEWS ABOUT PACE: Right now, until further notice, PACE does not care about divestments. There is no Penalty Period. Dad keeps the Homestead. You keep the “family property.” Nursing Home gets paid by Medicaid. We all join hands… “I’d like to teach the world to sing, in perfect harmony…”


This gets a bit complicated. Medicaid pays when Dad has no money. Medicaid says that income is not money. Medicaid says that certain payments received from certain annuities is income.

Dad still has a 10-month Penalty Period. But what if Dad has some cash? Like $90,000 of cash? Now he can pay for 10 months. But if he has cash, then he is not broke. If he is not broke, the Penalty Period does not begin.

We put the cash into the certain kind of annuity. That pays a certain amount in a certain way. When we do this, Dad is broke. Dad has no money. But Dad does have enough INCOME to pay the Nursing Home through the Penalty Period. At the end of the 10- month Penalty Period, the annuity is empty. And there is no more Penalty Period.
You keep the “family property”. Dad keeps his Homestead. Nursing Home gets paid. We all join hands… “I’d like to teach the world to sing, in perfect harmony…”

I just spent an hour and a half trying to write up this strategy in a way that does not lead to total confusion. I cannot do it. Suffice to say that there is a third strategy. The third way does work. I am happy to explain it in person. But I cannot make it fit on this page.

Call me! I will explain it. We all join hands… “I’d like to teach the world to sing, in perfect harmony…”

Simple Solutions To Complex Conundrums

Everybody wants a simple solution. So, do I. But that’s not always possible. The bad news is that we cannot make this stuff easy. The good news is that we can make it easy for you.

You Choose!

Applying for benefits does not mean Nursing Home Poverty or silly Spend Down. Learn how to preserve your loved one’s lifesavings, business, cottage, life insurance. Thousands of middle-class families have learned and use these techniques. Why not yours?

Got Questions? Get Answers!

(800) 317-2812

Your Letters, Your Questions…

(Note: Not Legal Advice!)

“Can I put 3 children as agents on a durable power of attorney? I want all 3 children to have the power of attorney.”

The Answer Is: Yes, you can. You can stick your hand in a blender, too. But gosh! Both are terrible, awful, no good, very bad ideas.

Observation #1 Most old estate planning documents that I review provide for 2 or 3 family members acting as co-trustees, co-personal representatives (executors), co-agents, and co-patient advocates. Usually, these documents provide that the co-whatever’s can act independently.

Conclusion A: Most people think it is some great honor to be chosen as trustee, personal representative, agent, or patient advocate. You do not like to choose among your kids. You do not want anyone to feel left out or unimportant.

Conclusion B: Most people think the kids will “work together.” You want all their voices to be heard. Nobody left out of the decision-making. Better decisions! Family harmony!

Observation #2 A kid will happily serve the first time. Ignorance is Bliss. The same kid will have to be dragged, kicking, and screaming, to serve a second time. These jobs are no fun. These jobs are a lot of work. Everybody blames you. Nobody understands. The kid can get paid, but most will not take it. Did I mention that there’s a lot of work?

Conclusion: Until you have served as a trustee, personal representative, agent, or patient advocate, you have no idea the burden that it is. The glory and honor of being chosen survives about 30 seconds. The grinding reality goes on for months. You are not doing any one any favors by appointing them.

Allegory: Fearsome Godzilla sleeps on the ocean floor. Silly humans explode atomic bombs. Wakey-wakey! Cranky Godzilla destroys Tokyo.

Like a monster, sibling rivalry slumbers in your children’s hearts. They have worked hard overcoming childhood traumas. Now they are friends. Even at Thanksgiving. Naming them as co-anything is an H-bomb. The only question is “Will Godzilla be satisfied with Tokyo or go on a rip-roaring rampage to New York?”

Unimaginable horror. “How much is that rocking chair worth?” transmutes into “That was Mom’s favorite chair!” “How the hell do you know, you never visited!” which transmogrifies into arguments over who broke my Chatty Cathy, who lost my GI Joe, and whose birthday party was better, and on and on. Bonus: Nobody cares how much the rocking chair is worth.


You wanted My Friend Flicka. You got a lumpy, bumpy, irritable beast likely to bite and spit. You need a decision, you get impasse. You get impasse and now you are heading to probate court. And it was all foreseeable.

To Sum Up: Never, never, never appoint co-trustees, co-personal representatives, co-agents, or co-patient advocates. All pain, no benefit.

Blended Family Exception: In blended families with joint trusts, one co-trustee from each side can reduce suspicion and help communication. Stepsiblings do not have all that baggage. Tend to be more polite. Less pain. With both sides of the family represented, less chance of impasse.

Got Questions? Get Answers!

(800) 317-2812

For Richer, For Poorer, In Sickness And In Health

The Big Dance – 1963

Betty and Wilma were like sisters. Without the sister drama. Since their first day at Lansing Central High, two years ago. Now Betty was organizing a dance with some Lansing Tech Junior ROTC guys. She had her eye on Barney, a fella who made that uniform look good. And Barney had a friend, Fred, a shy guy, just like her friend Wilma. Anything can happen at a dance, you know. When will Saturday get here?

One Thing Leads To Another

That dance was just rehearsal for the Big Dance Wilma and Fred, Betty and Barney would lead through their lives. After graduation, the guys got their union cards and entered the wonderful world of GM’s Lansing Car Assembly. The ladies followed.

Betty and Wilma did not stay long in the steno pool. Wilma loved to get things just right. Call it perfectionism if you want to, that talent got Wilma assigned to Quality Control. Eventually she headed the plant’s QC efforts. Betty’s organizational skills landed her in the plant manager’s office, as executive secretary.

Betty and Wilma did not stay long in the dating pool, either. Fred and Barney knew a good thing when they saw it. Before long they “put a ring on it” and got busy raising families too.

It was a sad day in April 2004 when the Olds plant shut down for good. They were all retired, but it still hurt. The guys made a pilgrimage to the old place every springtime. Both couples were doing fine. Their homes were paid off and worth about $175,000. With $200,000 in savings and $75,000 of life insurance, they felt secure. Not to mention having prepaid their funerals. Each couple had three kids and three grandchildren. They even like the in-laws!

Nothing Good Lasts Forever… Gathering Clouds

Just few years ago. Another perfect spring. Bright sunshine, crisp air with a bit of warmth, the smell of new growth, green leaves.

Two women of a certain age. Maybe sisters. Alike in many ways. Both were mothers and grandmothers. Respected. Looked up to. Reliable volunteers for church and school. You want it done right? Get Betty and Wilma on the case. Rapidly approaching their 50th wedding anniversary. Time flies.

You have friends like these women. Middle-class people who enrich the world. Generous spirits. Authentic kindness. Get it done attitude.

Nice homes, colorful gardens. Debt Free. Comfortable cash cushion (not that the kids would know). Coupon clipping and natural thrift. No extravagant or expensive habits. Except spoiling their grandchildren.

But what is going on with Fred and Barney? Why does Fred put the car keys in the refrigerator? Barney gets so confused with the simplest things. And it is getting worse.

2020… The Storm Breaks

Betty and Wilma are now their husbands’ primary caregivers. Barney and Fred, after many years as partner and confidant, father and grandfather, best friend and “accomplice,” have fallen victim to Alzheimer’s Disease. Heart-breaking. Life-changing. COVID isolation on top of it all. No description necessary.

Wilma and Betty take their wedding vows seriously. Better or worse. Richer or poorer. Sickness and health. They said it. They meant it. They lived it.

Maybe the kids don’t get it. But these women took JFK at his word: “We choose to do these things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard.” Alzheimer’s is hard. Alzheimer’s plus COVID is even harder.

Yes, the kids have their own families and challenges. They live out of state. They would like to help, but… TRAVEL BAN. Now they think it is a good idea for Dad to be “placed”. What is it with kids these days?

A Real Lifeline… Too Good To Be True?

A pleasant Sunday, May 2021, both women were reading the same article. An account in The Michigan Elder Law Reporter describing the Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly, known as PACE.

The Reporter claimed that PACE provided free, at-home care. All pharmacy needs with no co-pays, donut holes, delays, or frustrating paperwork. Specialist care. Respite care. Durable medical equipment. Supplies. Occupational and Physical Therapy. The list went on and on. It even claimed that PACE was intended to help folks just like her. On purpose. Family members caring for loved ones at home. Staying at home.

Most outrageous, though, was the bald statement that their life savings, home, life insurance… their security, need not be sacrificed. Their lifetime of shared work could be preserved for themselves, their children, their grandchildren. How could that happen?!

They remembered similar articles in the Reporter… published over 2020. And the warning that the special COVID rules would expire, but were then extended to November, then extended to April 2021, then extended “until further notice.”

Two Roads Diverged In A Wood, And I –
I Took The One Less Traveled By…

And this is where Betty and Wilma made different choices.

Betty said to herself, “Stuff and Nonsense! I pity anyone foolish enough to believe this… Promises, promises! Too good to be true! I don’t believe it! Fiddle Faddle.”

Wilma thought, “I heard of this last year and didn’t act. Could this be my second chance? Maybe I should find out more…”

Five years quickly passed.

And That Has Made All Of The Difference

Another fine spring morning. Betty and Wilma are still best friends. But not so much alike anymore. They made different choices. They got different results.

Pride Goeth Before A Fall — Proverbs 16:18

Betty was physically exhausted. Twenty-four hours a day. Seven days a week. Constant caregiving for Barney took a heavy toll. Emotional stress was worse. Bankruptcy. Lifesavings did not last long paying home health care workers. Cashing in the life insurance? No, she didn’t mind. That money was long gone.

Betty was still bound and determined that her Barney would never wind up in one of “those places.” Then the cash ran out. She gritted her teeth and took a loan against the house. Twice. Plus a line of credit. In desperation, she turned to cash advances on the credit cards.

In her pride, she did not share the burden with Wilma or her children. She chose a solitary journey. Until the inevitable day when the house of cards collapsed. She reached for the phone to call her eldest child. She never imagined living in a senior housing project. Well, at least the bill collectors have stopped harassing her.

She Is Clothed With Strength And Dignity; She Can Laugh At The Days To Come. — Proverbs 31:25

Wilma stood at the kitchen window. Watching her grandchildren play in the yard. The last few years had been tough. Fred did not recognize her or their children. She was making the best of a bad situation. But. Her health was good. The PACE folks were a blessing. No worries. PACE aides came out to help with Fred several times a week. During COVID so many years ago, they even helped with her grocery shopping. And housekeeping. Plus all the medical support. Wilma’s future was secure. She did not face it alone. No Poverty: life savings protected. No Charity: PACE was a return on all those tax dollars. No Waste: Her legacy will endure for years. “Well,” she thought, “sometimes “too good to be true turns out even better.”

I Have Finished The Course,
I Have Kept The Faith
2 Timothy 4:7

Several months later.

Betty’s funeral. Wilma thought about her best friend. It was tragic. Betty ran the race. Betty fought the good fight. At the ultimate cost to herself, she did what she believed was necessary. Rapidly pouring out the savings and accomplishments of a lifetime. All gone in the blink of an eye.

Is there anything more tragic than needless suffering? Striving to do something that did not have to be done at all? Wilma had to say it: “Betty killed herself with work and worry, all to keep Barney out of “those places.” And where is he going now? One of “those places.”” When a good person refuses the helping hand, it is more than sadness. When refusal leads to catastrophe, it is more than regret.

The next year.

After the preacher’s kind words at the cemetery, Wilma turned from Fred’s grave. Wilma too ran the race, fought the good fight. Wilma had been there for Fred to the ultimate end. Hospice at the house. Familiar PACE folks who supplied the hospital bed, Hoyer lift and other necessary equipment and services. Given fair warning, the kids made it in from out of town. It was sad, heart-breaking. But not tragic. Surrounded by family and friends. Secure. At peace. What did the Lord have in store for her now? Wilma did not know. But she looked forward to finding out.

The Difference

Most people, reading this article, will choose Betty’s path. Most people, faced with long-term care costs, close their eyes. Reject reality. Hope for the best. As lifesavings evaporate like a snowflake on a hot griddle. Why does the caregiver spouse die first, almost half of the time? Why do hard-working, prudent, frugal, middle-class folks accept nursing home poverty? Most of the time?

Not Chance, Your Choice

There is nothing inevitable about losing your home, cottage, business, lifesavings, independence, security. All of that is a choice. Despite what “everybody else” says. For over thirty years, people have told me, “I’ve never heard of this before!” “If this is real, why doesn’t everyone do it?” “My lawyer/financial advisor/brother-in-law/accountant/tax person/banker/best friend/fill-in-the-blank never said anything like this…”

Well, here you are. Now you know. No excuses. Wilma or Betty? You have the information, insight, inspiration. It is your turn. Ignore the message? Invite poverty? Or get the freely offered information. To make wise decisions. For you. For your loved ones.

No Poverty. No Charity. No Waste.
It is not chance. It is choice. Your choice.

Get Information Now. (800) 317-2812

Seventeen years ago

Springtime in Michigan. Sunny, warm breezes, promise of summer. But a cold winter for Lansing Car Assembly. For 120 years, the factory churned out REO Speedwagons, tank cannons, aircraft machineguns, millions of artillery shells, muscle cars, and the last Oldsmobile convertible. GM’s most efficient plant. But the last Olds, a sporty Alero, drove off the line on April 29, 2004. It was over.

Fred and Barney walked away. Friends since their Lansing Technical High School days. They hired into the plant soon after graduation in the 60’s. Married to Wilma and Betty, Lansing Central girls they met at a Junior ROTC dance. The girls joined the steno pool soon after the boys went to work.

Many years later, the two men retired from the plant Ransom E. Olds founded so long ago. Pure Michigan. These older gentlemen were very much alike. Team players. They got the job done. Both had better-than-average careers. Personable, well-respected, and secure. Revered members of their church. Paid-for home in a nice neighborhood: $175,000. Savings of $200,000 from the days before 401(k) plans. Life insurance: $75,000. No debt. Conservative investments. Three kids. Three grandchildren. No bad habits (except spoiling the grandkids).

As new retirees so often are, both were filled with dreams for the future. Time to spend more time with the important people. Wives, kids, grandchildren. Tinkering in the shop. Volunteering at church. Traveling. Enjoying the retirement freedom and security they worked for, looked forward to, earned.

Last week. Still the same…

Every year, when the weather begins to turn, Fred and Barney return to visit. Nothing to see, really. Just memories.

They were still very much alike. Both healthy. Still devoted to their wives. Not all marriages thrive for fifty years. Both primary caregivers for their high school sweethearts. At home. Sadly, just a few short years into retirement, Wilma and Betty were stricken with Alzheimer’s.

But there are enormous differences.

Barney struggles to make ends meet. Living in subsidized senior housing. “On duty” 24 hours per day until his health broke. Exhausted. Retirement savings, Life insurance, Comfortable home – all gone. Betty went to memory care first. Now, the nursing home. Bank account emptied, retirement benefits cut, Barney needs every penny of social security.

Fred recently hosted his favorite (his only!) granddaughter’s wedding. “Uncle” Barney was an honored guest. Nothing high society, but really nice. One hundred and twenty close family and friends. Life savings intact. Independent, secure. Yes, he is Wilma’s primary caregiver. But she still lives at their home. And he has plenty of help.

Fred’s superpower is the Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE). PACE is the Medicaid program that provides services at home. No worries. COVID emergency rules let him keep the home, workshop, life savings.

Why Is One Desperate And The Other Secure?

Have you ever wondered, as I have, what makes this kind of difference in a person’s life? It does not seem to be natural intelligence or talent or dedication. I do not believe that Fred wants security, and that Barney does not.

Doesn’t the difference lie in what each person knows and how he or she uses that knowledge?

Every week we offer LifePlan™ Workshops and Webinars. Each week you are given a precious opportunity. You can say “Yes.” Yes to planning, security, choice. Middle class folks do not have to go broke. But traditional estate planning is broken. And that is the difference.

What is knowledge without action?

Nothing in the world can take the place of Persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and Determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan “Press On” has solved and will always solve the problems of the human race.

Calvin Coolidge

Years ago, Fred and Wilma invited Barney and Betty to join them at a LifePlan™ Workshop. Barney and Betty were too busy. Fred and Wilma made the time. Learned the lessons. Established their LifePlan™. It cost money. And effort. But Fred and Wilma (to be honest, it was mostly Wilma) persisted. And those law firm people made sure Fred and Wilma understood every step along the way.

When Alzheimer’s struck Wilma, Fred was ready. Health Care documents: Patient Advocate, Advance Directive, HIPPA releases. Even a funeral representative paper. Locked and loaded. Financial documents: Pantry Trust, Protection Trust, Financial Power of Attorney, Assignments, Deeds. Fort Knox safety.

Trusted professionals who do not charge by the hour. Everything quoted in advance. Friendly, reliable paralegals and attorneys. They sure seem willing to help. They say, “Always a free phone call. Always a free visit.” Maybe it is all just an act! But it is a pretty convincing act. Over all these years. And they have been darn helpful. Like with that wedding planner’s contract… Maybe they mean it…

“Freedom’s just another word for nothin’ left to lose” — Janis Joplin

Barney and Betty’s son-in-law told them about free fill-in-the-blank estate planning forms and cheap on-line services. A dedicated helpful son-in-law, he even printed them out on his own computer.

Free. Except for the $200,000 of life savings. Free. Except the $175,000 home. Free. Except the $75,000 life insurance. Yes. Free. Except for a lifetime’s worth of work and savings. Free. Except for that.
Maybe Janis was right. The most expensive things in the world are “free”.

LifePlanning™ works for you, your loved ones, your greater circle of friends. Have you heard about PACE or the new COVID emergency rules anywhere else?

Heartfelt Thanks To Geraldine T. Richardson – Special Contributor

I wish to recognize Geraldine T. Richardson (not to be confused with the other Geraldine Richardson who is a fine person but has no middle initial) for her inspiration. Geraldine has personally experienced, in her own family, the difference LifePlanning™ can make. I think it is fair to say that she is a little frustrated that more folks do not take advantage of these opportunities. (Hey, I’m doing the best I can!) When I asked Geraldine what more we could do, she said “Tell them, David! Tell them!” “How?” I replied. “Tell them about real families! But change the names…”

Call The Lifeplan™ Hotline Today at (800) 317-2812

(Not Edited For Spelling Or Punctuation) (Note: Not Legal Advice!)

Long answers are boring, short punchy answers are fun! Time for some fun…


How should I word a letter to say I withdraw specific grants of authority on a POA?

I am primary agent on my father’s POA, but need to produce a letter that says I will not act as agent with respect to obtaining financial assistance from or communicating with Medicaid. Is that wording correct? Do I have to title it as an affidavit?

The Answer Is: “With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility”

Do Not Do This Bad, Awful, Evil Thing

Point #1 This is total BULL. You have been given the great power to make your father’s remaining life a life worth living. You are being asked to throw away that power, to sacrifice your father’s well-being.
Your father granted you authority to make decisions on his behalf. You accepted that responsibility. You have a duty to your father to exercise the authority you have been given in your father’s best interest. Your father’s best interest. Not the interest of somebody who wants to take advantage of your father.

Point #2 Who is asking for this? Who says you “need to produce a letter”? No reputable care facility would ask for this. No one who cares about your father would ask for this. There is no GOOD reason for anyone would ask for you to give up your father’s entitlement to federal health care benefits. There are lots of BAD reasons, though.

Point #3 Middle-class America already won this fight. Back in the day (as the kids say)(or used to say)(or never said but I thought they did)… When I first started doing this stuff, 31 years ago, it was not uncommon to see demands like this in long-term care contracts. The State of Ohio even prohibited Medicaid recipients from speaking with attorneys about their benefits. All blatantly wrong. All clearly illegal. Federal law is clear: no one can require you to give up your federal health care benefits. And that means you cannot give up your father’s federal health care benefits. You do not “need” to produce any such letter. Whoever asked for the letter was probably breaking federal law.

Point #4 Medicaid simply is the way America pays for long-term care.

  • Folks spend themselves into nursing home poverty.
  • Savings exhausted, farm sold, cottage gone, destitute.
  • Apply for Medicaid.
  • Get base level of care, paid by Medicaid.

Point #5 Middle-class savers can obtain Medicaid benefits in full compliance with state and federal law without going broke. Your savings can supplement Medicaid so that you receive the highest level of care, tailored to your unique needs.

Point #6. Private Pay Rates are about 50% higher than Medicaid rates for the same services. Reality Check: Look at your last medical or hospital bill. Do you think the hospital is paying $12 per aspirin?

Conclusion: Do not betray your father. Dear old Dad trusted you to act in his best interest. Accept the great responsibility that comes with great power. Make his remaining time on this planet the best time of his life.


My husband’s step grandmother died in August. Her son (not our blood relative obviously) contacted us as the executor.?

He told us that he is distributing the proceeds of her estate and that he is sending us a check, even though we are not named as beneficiaries. My mother-in-law is livid (she has a number of mental and health issues) she cares for her disabled brother (both are beneficiaries) he is concerned she is not adequately caring for her brother. She is demanding that we not accept the check. What should we do here??

The Answer Is: Only Santa Claus Can Give Things Away for Free

You know you are not a beneficiary. If the money you are receiving was supposed to go to other people, that is a problem.

Point #1 Most folks do not leave money to grandchildren. And it is even more unusual to include step-grandchildren. As you observe, your husband is not a relative or named beneficiary. It is hard to see that he has any entitlement to a distribution.

Point #2 Your mother-in-law and her disabled brother appear to be children of the deceased step-grandmother. They are legitimate beneficiaries.

Point #3 If somebody is giving away your inheritance, you are justified in getting hot under the collar. BONUS POINTS: Extra aggravation if your disabled brother’s inheritance is being given away. Especially when you are caring for said disabled brother.

Point #4 Proper estate distribution is up to the personal representative (aka executor). Unless you acted improperly, distribution problems are on the executor-brother.

Head-scratcher: What the hell is going on here? See Point #1. This is strange.

Possibility #1: The executor-step-uncle is giving a portion of the executor-step-uncle’s own share to your husband. If so, no problem.

Possibility #2 The executor-step-uncle is making an unauthorized distribution of the estate. If so, the Probate Court could order your husband to disgorge the money. Also, executor-step-uncle is in deep doo-doo.

Conclusion: “Livid” mothers-in-law with “a number of mental and health issues” are not always wrong. Find out whether executor-step-uncle has any legal basis to make the distribution. If no legal basis can be determined by your own lawyer, do not take the money. Better safe than sorry.


Can an executrix of a will evict a sibling who is also a beneficiary and has lived in the house for 40 years?

My ex-husband has been unable to work for the past 10 years in order to take care of his 99-year-old dad. He passed late last year. His sister took her dad to a lawyer when he was about 90 to create a will. 70% her/30% him. Ex-husband has lived in the very modest home for 40 years. He has no means to start over.

She is the owner of 2 homes and made enough money to retire at 59 (probably not relevant).

The Answer Is: Yes.

Point #1 Father opened his home to son for 30 years before father needed son’s help. Perhaps that helps explain the 70/30 split. Maybe sister isn’t such a “rhymes with witch” after all…

Point #2 Nowadays it is not so unusual to have the holdover tenant child. The kid moves home for a week. Or two. Or THIRTY YEARS! How is it that the kid could not save an apartment rental deposit in thirty years of working plus ten more years of not working and living off dad’s social security and pension. Jeepers!!

Point #3 Eviction is the remedy. In my experience, the “Irish Bachelor” son or daughter has no intention of going soft into that good night of leases, mortgages, rent and maintenance. EEEK! Responsibility! Oh no! Oysters have less attachment to their shells. Frequently the other siblings let “Timmy” stay in the house after the funeral. “For a little while.” Five years later somebody wakes up to the fact that Timmy ain’t goin’ nowhere! Far from being grateful, Timmy is angry that anyone has figured it out…

Point #4 The COVID moratorium on evictions is still in effect. That means you cannot legally evict Timmy. Serve him with the eviction papers anyway. You could try reasoning with Timmy. It will not do any good. At least you can get your ducks in a row for the moment evictions are once more possible.

Point #5 If dad had put Timmy on the deed, you could never get him out. So do not put your kids on deeds.

Point #6 A parent can give a caregiver child the house without screwing up their own Medicaid. The key is that the child has to reside with the parent and provide two (2) years of care services that keep the parent out of the nursing home.

Conclusion: There are dangers and opportunities when a child moves home. Mostly dangers. Consult with your friendly, neighborhood elder law attorney to avoid the mistakes and maximize the advantages.


Applying for benefits does not mean Nursing Home Poverty or silly Spend Down. Learn how to preserve your loved one’s lifesavings, business, cottage, life insurance. Thousands of middle-class families have learned and use these techniques. Why not yours?

How The Rich Do Long-Term Care

Spoke with a smart person last week. She works for a gigantic financial services company. You know the name. The company is excellent. She is excellent. Her team’s job is to look out for about 150 families. “Wealth Management.” They are good at it. Her families do not go broke.

I was curious… “How do you deal with long term care?”

“A cornerstone of our work, of course. You cannot ignore it.” She said.

“But how do you do it?” I persisted.

I was disappointed in her reply. She talked about “asset allocation.” Used the same words and phrases I had heard from other financial professionals. Stuff I have seen fail over and over again. Very disappointing. Burst my bubble. No insight here. And she had seemed so perceptive. But it was the same old, same old. Recycled stuff. Your own financial advisor gave you the same advice. Put so much over here, so much over there. Et cetera.

“That’s all well and good,” I said, “But don’t your folks go broke?”

She laughed. “No, never.”

“Never? I find that hard to believe. Long-term care is expensive.”

“Yes, it is,” she agreed. “But fifty million dollars is quite a bit of money.”

Demonstrating my keen intelligence, I replied, “Huh?”

“Well, our minimum is fifty million of investable assets…”

And then the lightbulb moment…


How the rich do long-term care. From their (minimum) fifty million, their team of professional investors allocates a few million to long-term care issues. Problem solved. For them. Unfortunately, that is what your financial advisor is doing for you. That is why your family faces nursing home poverty.

We Are Not The Rich. Their Solutions Do Not Work For Us

Let me tell you about the very rich. They are different from you and me. [U]nless you were born rich, it is very difficult to understand.

—F. Scott Fitzgerald

Why aren’t your advisors looking out for you? Why all the parrot talk about asset allocation, hybrid insurance products, investment strategies? Why the outright denial and plain avoidance? Why won’t they level with you?

Maybe they do not know any better. Maybe they think that the same strategies that work for the wealthy will work for the middle class. Maybe they are doing the best that they can. Maybe they cannot help it.

Consider the possibility that your advisor learned “best practices” from a “wealth management” guru. Your advisor’s teacher excelled at preserving and growing “old money.” Your advisor was inspired by someone who hobnobs with wealthy folk day-in and day-out. The result: Your advisor may know how to deal with rich people. But what does that have to do with you?
Exactly nothing. According to Ernest Hemingway, the rich are different than you and me. “Yes, they have more money.” Planning for $50,000,000 is not like planning for $500,000. How is that not obvious?

Broken: How The Middle-Class Does Long-Term Care

You spend. And spend. And keep on spending. $12,000 each month for skilled care. $6-7500 each month for assisted living. $25 each hour for companion care at home. More if you want a certified nursing assistant or nurse. Asset allocation? Hardee-har-har.

And then you are broke. Medicaid to the rescue!

Your estate plan is meaningless. Your financial plan is out the window. Your lifetime of work and savings has evaporated. Middle class planning that fails is broken. Let us be honest.

What if we faced the fact that you are not the Great Gatsby? That you do not have a couple million to allocate to long-term care? That long-term care for middle class people like us means Medicaid? Sooner or later, Medicaid will be the solution. Four out of five people in skilled nursing facilities are on Medicaid. 80%. That is reality. Thousands of families receive at-home care through Medicaid. That is also reality.

Fix It: The Middle-Class Can Win Long-Term Care

Recognize that long-term care is a reality for the vast majority. Two-thirds of women, half of men are eventually institutionalized. Accept that Medicaid is the way America pays for long term care.

Anticipate. Plan to preserve your lifesavings. For yourself. For your spouse. For the next generation. The world needs you and your values. Dying in poverty is no way to demonstrate success.

There are 3 goals of LifePlanning™
#1 No Poverty. You will not go broke. Your choices will matter. Your family will succeed.
#2 No Handouts. You have paid into the system with every paycheck, every IRA Required Minimum Distribution, every tax payment. You are not looking for charity or a free ride. Only a bit of fairness.
#3 No Waste. Your hard-earned savings will not be wasted on probate. Will not be thrown out the window. Will not be intercepted by predators or creditors. Your legacy will be of life well-lived. And support for the next generation.

There is no problem with rich folks being rich or planning that takes account of wealth. Good for them.

There is a big problem with advisors giving the same advice to middle class workers and savers that they give to those rich folks. Do not fall into this trap. Learn how. It is super easy. Barely an inconvenience. On your schedule. In the comfort and safety of your own home. In the comfort and safety of one of our workshop rooms. In the comfort and safety of wherever you find comfort and safety.

Sending Just Money To The Next Generation – Easy. Worthless.
Sending Money With Values To The Next Generation – Difficult. Priceless.

Sixty minutes to personal control. Because you earned it. Avoid Nursing Home Poverty. Thousands of middle-class families have learned and use these techniques. Why not yours? Transmit your values along with your stuff.

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