Thank you for purchasing an Estate Plan from The Law Offices of David L. Carrier

Depending on what you have purchased, please watch the videos suggested here:

Essentials Plan: Start Here, Financial Power of Attorney, Healthcare Power of Attorney and Enhanced Will
Pantry Plan: Start Here, Financial Power of Attorney, Healthcare Power of Attorney and Will & Revocable Living Trust
Pantry & Root Cellar Plan: Start Here, Financial Power of Attorney, Healthcare Power of Attorney, Will & Revocable Living Trust and Protection Trust
Golden Goose: Start Here, Financial Power of Attorney, Healthcare Power of Attorney, Will & Revocable Living Trust, Protection Trust and Tax Advantaged Legacy Trust

Start Here

Watch this video first. Join attorney Claire Clary in an introduction to our client education video library.

Financial Power of Attorney

This video provides a review of a typical Financial Power of Attorney.

Healthcare Power of Attorney

This video provides a review of a typical Healthcare Power of Attorney.

Enhanced Will

This video provides a review of a typical Enhanced Will.

Revocable Living Trust

This video provides a review of a typical Revocable trust Living Trust.

Will & Revocable Living Trust

This video provides a review of a typical Will & Revocable Living Trust.

Protection Trust

This video provides a review of a typical Protection trust.

Tax Advantaged Legacy Trust

This video provides a review of a typical Tax Advantaged Legacy Trust.

Protection Trust Line of Credit

This video provides a review of Protection Trust Line of Credit.

Want to Know More?

For more information, call Carrier Law at (800) 317-2812.

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