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Like Seriously, This Really Happened, Not Making It Up!
(Not Edited For Spelling Or Punctuation Or Anything Else) (Warning: Not Legal Advice!)


QUESTION: What is it called when one deprives another notification of their parent’s death so to deprive them of their share of benefit?
I just found out that both of my parents have died, but years ago. After hoodwinking and railroading them, my mega millionaire sibling had taken measures to cut me off from them, before they’d died. It has been horrendous for me. Even just to find out that my parents had passed was bad enough, but that the way and how they’d died never would have happened if I’d not been cut out of their lives as I had been, after taking great and particular care of them myself, beforehand.

Short Answer: “Horrendous”? More like “Preposterous”! Mom and Dad die years ago. But until evil sibling got involved, you provided “great and particular care” that would inevitably have prolonged their lives. For years. But you, the “great and particular” caregiver, never wondered why all those Christmas and birthday cards kept getting returned? Are there no telephones? Did they live on Gilligan’s Island? Did you? I have “smell test” issues with this one… A little too self-serving, methinks

Long Answer: On the other hand, it is not unusual to see relatives who isolate and sequester disabled loved ones away from other family members. Sometimes the child acts from the best of generous, honorable motives: offering a refuge of peace for the loved one, away from family feuding, squabbling, and raw emotional outbursts. Sometimes domineering impulses, seasoned with jealousy, and spiced with greed motivate the selfish child to restrict access.

Unless there is objective abuse, usually, working out the currents of control are left to the family. Courts and judges have no interest or expertise in resolving the emotional debris of decades, and in some cases, generations. Judging from the unceasing torrent of self-help books on the subject, it does not seem that anyone else has any “great or particular” success with these heartfelt matters either. We must all do the best we can. “It’s a fool who looks for logic in the chambers of the human heart.” Joel Cohen.

Longer Answer: But this question is not all about “hearts and flowers” is it? Oh no! Our correspondent is particularly concerned that the mega millionaire sibling acted “so to deprive them of their share of benefit”. And by benefit, our correspondent means money. Or property. Or other stuff. So, what about that?
When stuff is at stake, courts do get involved. It is what they do best!

“Undue Influence.” is the legal theory. Here is how it works. Four (4) scenarios. Mom has money. Mom also has 2 children, A and B.

Scenario #1 No Undue Influence
1. Mom likes Child A better. And always has.
2. For years, without change, Mom’s will or trust leaves all her stuff to Child A.
3. Mom lives and acts independently.
4. Mom up and dies.
5. Child A gets everything. Child B is sick as mud.
6. Child B can go pound sand.

Scenario #2 Challenger Must Prove There WAS Undue Influence
1. Mom likes Child A better. And always has.
2. Recently, Mom, changed her will or trust to leave all her stuff to Child A.
3. Mom lives and acts independently.
4. Mom up and dies.
5. Child A gets everything. Child B is sick as mud. Child B sues.
6. Child B must prove that Child A unduly influenced Mom. An almost impossible task.
7. Child B can go pound sand.

Scenario #3 Defender Must Prove There WAS NOT Undue Influence – Formal Fiduciary
1. Mom likes Child A better. And always has.
2. Mom appoints Child A as her Trustee and Agent. In writing.
3. Mom changes her will or trust to leave all her stuff to Child A.
4. Mom up and dies.
5. Child A gets everything. Child B is sick as mud. Child B sues.
6. Now it is Child A who must prove that Child A DID NOT unduly influence Mom. An almost impossible task.
7. Child B gets a half-share. Child A can go pound sand.

Scenario #4 Defender Must Prove There WAS NOT Undue Influence – Informal Fiduciary
1. Mom likes Child A better. And always has.
2. Mom moves in with Child A. Child A helps with all Mom’s decisions. Child A prevents others from visiting Mom. Mom is totally dependent on Child A.
3. Child A is not Mom’s Trustee and Agent.
4. Mom changes her will or trust to leave all her stuff to Child A.
5. Mom up and dies.
6. Child A gets everything. Child B is sick as mud. Child B sues.
7. Now it is Child A who must prove that Child A DID NOT unduly influence Mom. An almost impossible task.
8. Child B gets a half-share. Child A can go pound sand.

Key Take-aways With Undue Influence: If you must prove it, you lose it. Also, if the beloved parent has appointed you formally, in writing, as their trusted agent/advisor/trustee, then you must prove you did nothing to “unduly influence” the beloved parent. The same rule applies, even if there is nothing in writing, if the beloved parent is dependent on you.

So, if you are caring for mom, dad, auntie, grampa, and providing for all their needs, or they “honored” you with the responsibility of trustee or agent, you MUST establish, by affidavit, deposition, or otherwise, that the beloved relative was acting independently. If you do not, you will lose.


Mom is elderly.. She is of sound mind and has mentioned to me that she would like to get my name on her condo.. what does that entail?
Is that what joint tenancy is? What will alleviate issues upon death – in other words avoid probate…. My guess is she needs to hire an attorney. What paperwork should I have her gather together.

Short Answer: “Best Way”? How about “No Way”!

Long Answer: Folks like to put their kids’ names on deeds, stock certificates, bank accounts, investments, and anything else they can think of. There is simply no good reason to put your kid’s name on this stuff. If you only want to avoid probate (dumb!), use a revocable living trust. If you want to avoid probate and nursing home poverty, and have time, use a LifePlanning™ Trust. If you don’t have time, use a trust plus a transfer-on-death deed (in Michigan and a few other states).

The Thing: Here’s the thing, most “estate planning” attorneys cheerfully admit that they have no clue as to what is going on with long-term care. Most so-called “elder law” attorneys should admit the same thing. It is tough to discern good advice when it comes to planning for long-term care. That means you have a tough job, but it is doable.

Ask the following questions:
1. How many Medicaid divestment trusts have you drafted for clients?
2. What happens after I sign the documents?
a. Do you have a mandatory process to get my stuff into the trusts?
b. Do I get my original trust documents?
c. How do you verify that my stuff has been retitled to my trusts?
3. How many Medicaid programs are available for long-term care?
4. Can I get help with skilled care at home? How much will that cost?
5. How many Medicaid applications have you personally prepared and filed for clients?
6. What is the PACE program?
7. What is Medicaid waiver?
8. What is the Initial Asset Assessment? When does it happen?

There are lots more questions to ask, but by this time, most attorneys will be shaming you for wanting to preserve your lifesavings. They think it is ridiculous that you should get some pay back on the tax dollars you paid in. They think you should go broke. They think your spouse or family should be happy with crumbs. Do you think they are on your side? Let’s not be too harsh… maybe they just don’t know any better. It’s more than possible, it’s likely.


My older friend wanted me to come stay with him to due to personal and cancer reasons. he asked my ladyfriend to become his caretaker and he would cover her living expenses. She ended up paying for everything food etc….. he even spent checks he was suposed to give her…. He passed away almost a year and a half of her caring for him like an angel being maid nurse cook, but she wants to know how long she has to pack up.

Short Answer: As long as you can drag out the eviction process.

Long Answer: You and your lady friend the angel have nothing in writing from your deceased “older friend”. Probate law will not allow you to make any claim for payment or even reimbursement for the “food ect”. Plus your friend embezzled the checks the angel was supposed to receive!! That all stinks. But in this world of ours, the reward for generosity is often resentment and selfishness. Look around. You know I’m right.

Longer Answer: They cannot make you leave the house without going through the formal eviction process. In some places, COVID rules may still prohibit evictions. It’s worth finding out. Legally, you are a holdover tenant or tenant at sufferance. The new owners of the house cannot simply put you on the street. They must give you 30 days’ notice, Termination of Tenancy. You can leave at that point or make them go to court for an Order of Eviction, after a Summary Proceeding.

Why not make them go through the whole darn process? Unless they agree to reimburse you for the grocery money. And a few bucks on top?

Moral of the Story: You are not a bad person for wanting to get a written agreement to pay you money in exchange for services. You are a smart person, with a good heart, who does not want to be played for a chump. So get it in writing!

Medicaid Observation: The payments you get under the agreement will not be acceptable to Medicaid and will be treated as gifts with penalties to the “older friend.” So what? If the friend needs you to give the money back, do so (if you are able). Then do a promissory note with interest so that eventually you will get every nickel to which you are entitled. And not a penny more.

Lawyer Sales Pitch: Don’t try to do this yourself. You have to pay for the privilege of working diligently for 18 months and when it is all said and done, you will get evicted. Is it possible that all this could have been avoided? Maybe with a little legal counsel? Maybe?



I’m As Mad As Hell And I’m Not Going To Take This Anymore!
Howard Beale, Network, 1976

How Did It All Go So Wrong, So Quickly?

We’re Not Gonna Take It, No, We Ain’t Gonna Take It, We’re Not Gonna Take It Anymore!
Dee Snider, Twisted Sister, 1984

Traditional estate planning is concerned with avoiding probate, saving taxes, and dumping your leftover stuff on your beneficiaries. After you die. Nobody cares what happens to you while you are alive. How does that help anyone? Stupid.

Traditional estate planning fails because the overwhelming majority of us will need long-term skilled care. 70% of us. For an average of 3 years. And we will go broke paying for it.

Is it surprising that thousands of recreation properties: cottages, cabins, hunting land, are lost to pay for long- term care? Why is your estate planner hurting you and your family? It is evil intent? Or stupidity?

LifePlanning™ defeats Nursing Home Poverty. Keep your stuff. Get the care you have already paid for. Good for you. Good for your family. Good example for society,

When my mother suffered from the dementia which led to her death, over 10 years ago, their estate plan preserved their lifesavings. Mom’s months in the nursing home did not mean Dad’s impoverishment. Dad spent the last years with security and peace of mind.

Is Now A Bad Time For A Real Solution?

Perhaps you think you already have an answer to this problem. Maybe you do not see this as a problem at all. It is possible that you do not believe in the passage of time or its effects on you.

Peace of mind and financial security are waiting for everyone who practices LifePlanning™. You know that peace only begins with financial security. Are legal documents the most important? Is avoiding probate the best you can do for yourself or your loved ones? Is family about inheritance? Or are these things only significant to support the foundation of your family?

Do you think finding the best care is easy? Do you want to get lost in the overwhelming flood of claims and promises? Or would you like straight answers?

Well, here you are. Now you know. No excuses. Get the information, insight, inspiration. It is your turn. Ignore the message? Invite poverty? Or get the freely offered information. To make wise decisions. For you. For your loved ones.

The LifePlan™ Workshop has been the first step on the path to security and peace for thousands of families. Why not your family?

It is not chance. It is choice. Your choice.

Get Information Now. (800) 317-2812

Read the Print Version

Dedication, Devotion

Just a couple weeks ago. A perfect Sunday morning in early summer. Bright sunshine, warm air, colorful flowers, green leaves.

Two women reading the paper. They could have been sisters. Remarkably similar. Children and grandchildren. Both are reliable volunteers for church and school. Both looking forward to their 50th wedding anniversary.

Comfortable homes with well-tended gardens. Paid for. Substantial retirement savings. No debt. (Thanks to coupon clipping and natural thrift!) Extravagant or expensive habits? None. Except spoiling their grandchildren at every opportunity. Good-naturedly, of course.

You know these women. The sort of middle- class people who enrich the world by their simple presence. And generosity of spirit. Authentic kindness.

Now, both are primary caregivers for their husbands. Husbands who, after many years as partner and confidant, father and grandfather, best friend and “accomplice,” had fallen victim to Alzheimer’s Disease. Heart-breaking. Life- changing. No description necessary.

These women take their wedding vows seriously. Better or worse. Richer or poorer. Sickness and health. They said it. They meant it. They lived it.

Sure, the kids think it is corny. But these women took the words of JFK seriously: “We choose to do these things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard.” Alzheimer’s is hard.

To be sure, the kids have their own families and challenges. They live out of state. They would like to help, but… Now they think it is a good idea for Dad to be “placed”. What is it with kids these days?

Too Good To Be True?

As it happens, on this pleasant Sunday, both women were reading the same article. An account in The Michigan Elder Law Reporter describing the Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly, known as PACE.

The Reporter claimed that PACE provided free, at-home care. All pharmacy needs with no co-pays, donut holes, delays, or frustrating paperwork. Specialist care. Respite care. Durable medical equipment. Supplies. Occupational and Physical Therapy. The list went on and on. It even claimed that PACE was intended to help folks just like her. On purpose. Family members caring for loved ones at home. Staying at home.

Most outrageous, though, was the bald statement that their life savings, their home, their cottage, their security, need not be sacrificed to long-term care costs. That a lifetime of shared work could be preserved for themselves, their children, their grandchildren. How could that happen?!

They remembered similar articles in the Reporter… published over the summer and winter of 2020-2021. And the warning that the special COVID rules would expire on November first. Too late. But now comes the news that these rules were extended to April 2021! And yet again the COVID rules that expand eligibility were extended! “Until further notice…” Whatever that means, right?

Two Roads Diverged In A Wood, And I – I Took The One Less Traveled By…

And this is where the women made different choices.

One said to herself, “Stuff and Nonsense! I pity anyone foolish enough to believe this… Promises, promises! Too good to be true! I didn’t believe it last summer and I don’t believe it now! Fiddle Faddle.”

The other thought, “I heard of this back in July, then in the fall, and again in the springtime. I still didn’t act. Is it possible that I have another chance? Is Someone trying to tell me something? Maybe I should find out more…”

Five years quickly passed.

And That Has Made All Of The Difference

Another fine June morning. But now these women are not so much alike. They had made different choices. They got different results.

Pride Goeth Before A Fall

One was physically exhausted. Twenty-four hours a day. Seven days a week. Constant caregiving was taking a heavy toll. Worse was the mental stress. Facing bankruptcy. She gladly spent the life savings to pay home health care workers. Selling the cottage? No, she didn’t mind it. That money was long gone. Days at the lake a distant memory. The grandkids can learn to swim at the Y.

She was still bound and determined that her husband would never wind up in one of “those places.” Then the cash ran out. She gritted her teeth and took a loan against the house. Twice. Plus a line of credit. In desperation, she turned to cash advances on the credit cards.

In her pride, she did not share the burden with her friends or children. She chose a solitary journey. Until the inevitable day when the house of cards collapsed. She reached for the phone to call her eldest child. She never imagined living in a senior housing project. Well, at least the bill collectors had stopped calling. Pathetic? Pitiful? Or just sad…

The other woman was at the cottage window watching her grandchildren fish from the dock. The last few years had been tough. Her husband no longer knew her or their children. She was making the best of a bad situation. But. Her health was good. The PACE folks were a blessing. No worries. PACE had installed a wheelchair ramp at their home. Several times a week, expert aides came out to attend to her husband’s hygiene. During that coronavirus problem so many years ago, they even helped with her grocery shopping. And housekeeping. In addition to all the medical support. She knew her future was secure. She did not face it alone. Life savings protected. Life choices respected. “Well,” she thought, “sometimes “too good to be true turns out even better.” Sympathy for her tough row to hoe. Tempered by respect for her wise decisions.

I Have Finished The Course, I Have Kept The Faith

Several months later.

At the first woman’s funeral, her friends agreed. It was tragic. Pitiful, even. She had run the race. She had fought the good fight. At the ultimate cost to herself, she did what she believed was necessary. Pouring out the savings and accomplishments of a lifetime in a few short years. But. Is there anything more tragic than needless suffering? Doing very well something that did not have to be done at all? As one mourner observed, “She killed herself with work and worry, all to keep him out of “those places.” And where is he going now? One of “those places.”” It is more than sadness that we feel when a good person refuses the helping hand. It is more than regret when refusal leads to unfortunate consequences.

Not far away, at about the same time.

After the preacher’s kind words at the cemetery, the other woman turned from her husband’s grave. She too had run the race, fought the good fight. She had been there for him to the ultimate end. Hospice at the house. Familiar PACE folks who supplied the hospital bed, Hoyer lift and other necessary equipment and services. Given fair warning, the kids made it in from out of town. It was sad, heart- breaking. But not tragic. Surrounded by family and friends. Secure. Respected. Gracefully accepting sympathy without a hint of pity. At peace. What did the Lord have in store for her now? She did not know. But she looked forward to finding out.

The Difference

Most people, reading this article, will choose the path of the first woman. Most people, faced with long-term care costs, will close their eyes. Hope for the best. And watch their life savings evaporate like a snowflake on a hot griddle. Why does the caregiver spouse die first, almost half of the time? Why do hard-working, prudent, frugal, middle-class folks accept nursing home poverty? Most of the time?

Not Chance, Your Choice

There is nothing inevitable about losing your home, cottage, business, lifesavings, independence, security. All of that is a choice. Despite what “everybody else” says. For thirty-one years, people have told me, “I’ve never heard of this before!” “If this is real, why haven’t I heard of this before?” “My lawyer/financial advisor/ accountant/tax person/banker/best friend/fill- in-the-blank never said anything like this…”

Well, here you are. Reading The Reporter. So now you know. No excuses. The Reporter is here to provide information, insight, inspiration. Now it is your turn. To ignore the message. Invite poverty. Or get the freely offered information. To make wise decisions about your life. And that of your loved one.

It is not chance. It is choice. Your choice.

Get Information Now. (800) 317-2812




Everyone knows somebody like my father. I bet you are a lot like him in many ways. My Dad is the sort who always goes the extra mile. Always giving everything he had. Looking out for others. Going out of his way. Generous. Hard-working.

Dad enlisted in the Navy during WWII, as soon as he could. Following his older brother, an officer and PT boat commander. Dad served stateside, as a Photographer’s Mate, at the Philadelphia Naval Air Station. Mostly taking pictures of crashed airplanes. And the remains of the trainees who crashed them.

After the war, he went to college on the GI Bill. Surrounded by other sailors, soldiers, airmen and Marines. A generation of men and women who did not feel sorry for themselves. They had seen evil and death. The world was balanced on the edge of a knife. And they did their duty. They saved the world. Look it up.

Then they came back and went to college. And got married. And raised families. And were grateful for the ordinariness of life. Thirty years ago, when I first started my law practice, I was privileged to meet many of these men and women. So many heroes. The real kind.

They are almost all gone now. But they made a lasting impression. Among them, my dad is not unusual. But how many of us have the same quality?

When Dad met Mom, he settled down. Became a teacher, like so many of his Navy buddies. Teachers in the 1950’s were not paid very much. All worked through the summers. Most had a second job. Mom wanted a large family. Dad came from a large family. He knew what was required. So.

My father got up early… had to be at school by 8 a.m. A tough school in a bad neighborhood. When the bell rang at 3 in the afternoon, Dad came home and took a nap. By 6 in the evening, he was punching the clock at the local brewery. Bottled beer all night. Dad clocked out at 2 in the morning. Came home. Took a nap. At 7 a.m., he started all over again. For 16 years.

Did I mention he was also taking college courses for his master’s degree? Yeah, he did that too. Eventually he took on enough extra jobs at school to quit the brewery. He ran the breakfast program, lunch program, after-school program. He was pretty happy that he did not have to work until 2 a.m. anymore.

Like you, he was active at church. Joined the Lions Club. Volunteered for stuff. Helped out in ways no one ever saw… no one ever knew.

Dad and Mom raised 8 children. Five boys, three girls. I’m the second. I have an older sister. Their example was powerful. And we are all doing quite well. Thank you.

Mom died ten years ago. Dad still lives on his own. Pretty much. At 96 years old, he cannot do what he used to. But he keeps trying. A few weeks ago, he was painting the handrail on the brick stairs leading the front door. Lost his balance. Fell to the brick stairs. Fell on his face. Not the first time. Still OK. He insists.

So, the kids take turns staying with Dad. Just to be there. Just in case. My two weeks is coming up soon. We talk together to set the calendar, to make sure someone is always with Dad. And we talk about options. Including assisted living.

This is where my failure became obvious.


Your children are talking about you. Deny it if you wish, but it is the truth. What to do about Mom? What to do about Dad? How long can they stay at home? What sort of behaviors do you see? What does it mean? What do we do now? Well-meaning questions. By good-natured people. Who truly love you. But are concerned. With your best interests in mind. What they think are your “best interests” anyway.

Recently, as we were setting the Visiting Kids Calendar, one of my brothers asked, “Why isn’t Dad on this PACE program you keep talking about?”

I had no answer. Honestly. You have heard the old saying, “The shoemaker’s kids go barefoot!” It is not that bad. When Mom needed skilled nursing home care for the months before she died, we were ready. LifePlan™ to the rescue.

Dad was not impoverished. There was no Medicaid Mortgage. Mom got the care she needed, at a top long-term care facility. Dad’s years of taxpaying and planning were rewarded.

Ten years later. Dad’s needs are increasing. With 8 kids, he will never be alone. But we are not medical people. What about those needs?

My brother saw what I did not. PACE – the Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly was designed for my Dad. He stays at home. With his woodwork shop. Puttering around, fixing this, painting that. Independent. Proud. And getting just the right amount of help to keep him that way.

Was I embarrassed to have overlooked the contribution PACE could make to my own father’s ability to live life on his own terms? You bet. I wish I had proposed the solution. But a good idea is a good idea, whomever comes up with it.


Most folks who seek answers are relieved and pleased they learn that effective solutions do exist. Thousands of families have honored my team and me with their confidence and trust. And those families have received the benefits they have earned and deserve.

But I have often been puzzled when some families reject the same answers that other families have embraced. It is not unusual for some folks to come back to us, often after months and sometimes years of “spending down,” exhausting their lifesavings. Selling the farm.

If you are like me, you learn from your mistakes. And you try not to repeat the same- old, same-old. I failed my Dad by not seeing how the PACE program could greatly improve his quality of life. But I see it now, and I am taking action. To preserve his independence. His choices. My Dad, and yours, and you, deserve to enjoy life. On your own terms. Not crammed, shoved, or stuffed into someone else’s idea of what you need.

Most people have never heard of PACE. But now you will know. You will be the expert.


Everyone knows COVID-19 decimates older folks. National reporting confirms the worst place for COVID victims is a long-term care facility. The undeniable tragic history: if you were in a nursing home, your risk of death from COVID-19 was 70 times greater. Did autocratic Executive Orders in New York, New Jersey and Michigan cause thousands of extra deaths? Of course they did. We know that now. But what can we do?

Over the last couple of years, we reported good news about at-home care. Michigan changed the Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly – PACE. Eligibility expanded for thousands of new families. Families can now keep their life savings, cottage, farm, rental properties, business. Poverty is no longer required… provided you follow the complex rules. Care services are free. Keep your income. No co-pay, doughnut hole or other contribution.

Many Michigan families have acted on this new information. They have secured at-home care for their loved ones. PACE has kept them safe from the deadly COVID-19 virus stalking long-term care facilities. Healthier at home!


Many more families cannot believe it is possible. But they could benefit from PACE. Healthy skepticism hardens into stubborn rejection. Everyone suffers. Clinging to the idea that it is “too good to be true” or “fake news”?

Pitiful. Naturally, some folks are uncertain and suspicious. Rightfully so! But accurate information and proof beat unfounded fears every day. Fact: You do not have to accept nursing home poverty for yourself or your loved one.



1. Need help with activities of daily life? Memory problems? Oxygen therapy? Blindness? Dialysis? These are just a few of the many ways to qualify.
2. Are you safe at home?
3. Gross social security less than $2382? (Special rules for pension income.)

Let’s do the homework together. Most folks get the benefits they need for independence and security. Information costs nothing. You can find out. Today.

Get Answers Now: 800-317-2812


COVID-19 emergency rules are temporary.

The benefits are permanent. When the emergency is over, these favorable rules will be gone. Of course, this may not be for you. Why not find out? Is it so bad to get back a little from the tax dollars you have paid?


Folks always want to know: What can PACE do for me? You have a team on your side. Your PACE team is doctors, therapists, dieticians, nurses, physician assistants, administrators. All work together to provide the best solution. Want more detail? You can receive:

• On-Site Physician/Medical Supervision
• Nursing Care
• Physical Therapy
• Occupational Therapy
• Recreational Therapy
• Activities and Exercise
• Breakfast, Lunch, Snack
• Nutritional Counseling
• Social Services
• Dental Care
• Audiology
• Optometry
• Women’s Services
• Dentistry and Dentures
• Optometry and Eyeglasses
• Audiology and Hearing Aids
• Podiatry, Diabetic Shoes and Orthotics
• Cardiology
• Lab Tests
• Radiology
• X-Rays
• Outpatient Surgery

• On call 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

• Skilled Nursing and Assisted Living
• Physical and Occupational Therapy
• Personal Care
• Chore Services
• Meal Preparation

• Emergency Room Visits
• Hospitalizations
• Inpatient Specialist
• Skilled Inpatient Rehabilitation


• Respite Care and Caregiver Education

• Wheelchairs
• Walkers
• Oxygen
• Hospital Beds
• Diabetic Testing Supplies
• Adult Day Care

Get the straight story. Your loved one is counting on you. Don’t let them down. It’s simple and free.

Call 800-317-2812.
Your Discovery meeting and Analysis meeting are waiting for you. Get it done.

New Lessons To Learn

The Times They Are A-Changin’

It’s that time of year again. You have been here before. New school year beginning. First day of kindergarten. First grade. High school. Going off to college. New shoes, new clothes. Very familiar. Totally strange. Will your child or grandchild be heading to the classroom or to the bedroom? Kitchen table? Teaching with live instructors surrounded by friends and other students? Or alone through a computer screen?

Hasn’t the first day of school always been a challenge? Parents concerned about how their kids will do in new situations. Kids worried about friends, classes, sports, fitting in. And now COVID-19. Masks all day long. How is that going to work? You expect that getting the younger kids to wear masks would be tough. What about the teenagers? Especially when they discover that continuous masking irritates the skin. And that means? The most dreaded teenager plague of all: acne. Has anyone thought this through?

Normal things you don’t do anymore: baseball, weddings, cook-outs.

Hasn’t it been a strange summer? Normal things you don’t do anymore: baseball games, weddings, cook-outs. Weird things you now do all the time: wear a surgical mask, quarantine, obsessive handwashing. Fall football? Maybe in the spring, they say.

The Medicine that Dare Not Speak Its Name

The Henry Ford Health System studies a possible medicine to combat COVID-19. Henry Ford discovers good news. Henry Ford is not a bit player. They are big time. Henry Ford is a “major academic medical center with more than $100 million in annual research funding, [and] is involved in numerous COVID-19 trials with national and international partners.” www. HenryFord.com Smart guys.

What did Henry Ford find? Only that use of this mystery drug cuts the COVID death rate in half. And it’s well-understood, generic, cheap, and widely available, with minimal side effects. Not unexpected for a drug that has been used worldwide by millions for over 75 years. Front page news? Medical Miracle? Game Changer? Nope. The wrong politician said it might be useful. So… political correctness hides the medicine that dare not speak its name. And lots of unnecessary deaths? Find out for yourself, it is easy. www.henryford.com/news/2020/07/ hydro-treatment-study

Strange times.

Founded on the Rock or Building on Sand?

Doctors finding remedies for deadly diseases are ignored. Are you okay with that? Rioters stop firefighters from fighting fires. Nodding in approval? Police officers are overrun with riots and looting. Feeling good? Courts and judges release accused criminals to commit more crime. Smiling yet?

Maybe we all need to go back to school. To relearn what we have always known.

Work hard. Save for a rainy day. Pay it forward. Lend a hand. Play by the rules. Help the unfortunate. Worship as you will. Keep an open mind. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Rules we have lived by. Ideas that built our nation. Your life of commitment to these simple but profound ideals has provided more prosperity for more people than at any other time in history. Living these bedrock truths is the strongest foundation for the future.

The simple fact is that America is getting older.

Middle Class Must Succeed

Who works harder than middle class folks? Who saves more? Who pays more taxes? Who volunteers more? When the going gets tough, who do they expect to help?

But if you’re like me, you’re not here to complain, but make things better. What should regular, middle class Americans, workers and retirees, do in times like these? Same thing as ever. Dig deeper. Try harder. And that starts at home. With you. Single or married. Kids or no kids.

The simple fact is that America is getting older: every day another 12,000 Baby Boomers turn 60, 65, 70. The “Greatest Generation” is in its 70s, 80s, and 90s. Poisonous rhetoric and slanted commentary about the “Me Generation” and the supposed self-centeredness of the Boomers are poisonously wrong. The truth is that 75% of Baby Boomers are right now caring for parents, have already done so, or expect to.

If your husband or wife is caring for you, almost half of the time your spouse will die first. And many more will die shortly after you do. Much sooner than expected. Skilled nursing home care, according to the State of Michigan, costs almost $9000 every month for the most basic care.

At this moment in history, America needs your example of middle-class success. Too many unfortunate young people have become disillusioned and hopeless, led astray by angry rhetoric and disinformation. LifePlanning™ embodies middle-class American values. We all win, one person, one family at a time.

Learning the Wrong Lesson

A terrible lesson has been accepted and taught by most planners and attorneys. Spend it down. Spend it all. You are not in control. You cannot choose. Your values are wrong. Nothing can be done. It is a counsel of despair.

But it does not have to be that way. The LifePlan™ approach keeps you in charge. Your life savings protected. Your life choices respected.

As with so many other things, though, the burden falls hardest on those who have worked and contributed the most.

Medicaid is the way America pays for long term care. As with so many other things, though, the burden falls hardest on those who have worked and contributed the most. No savings? No problem! Live life on a credit card? Medicaid is there for you. Work hard and save? Be frugal? Debt was dumb and savings were smart? Do the right things? Medicaid will not help until poverty. Until all your life’s efforts are wiped away.

But if you plan you can: Keep savings. Provide for loved ones. Receive at-home care. Participate in choosing a care facility if necessary. And still pay it forward.

You keep the cottage, the rental, the hunting land, your lifesavings.

Emergency Rules Mean Middle Class Safety

With COVID-19 expansion, you keep the cottage, the rental property, the hunting cabin, your lifesavings. And still get comprehensive, at-home care. You think it is too good to be true.

Dozens of other families thought so too. But they made the call. Folks just like you, except they picked up the phone. No co-pays, donut holes, or out of pocket expenses. Keep your income. Too good to be true! Not this time.

Elementary Education

1. Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly is PACE. You paid for PACE through your tax dollars. You stay at home through PACE goods and services. No nursing home or assisted living, until that is what you need.
2. COVID-19 puts extraordinary demand on long-term care facilities. Care at home does not.
3. Expansion of eligibility under COVID-19 means thousands more qualify.
4. Facts are free.
5. PACE means: Life Savings Protected. Life Choices Respected.
6. PACE is available now. No waiting list. Do you think that will be true next month? Into the fall and winter? Is there a better time to act?
7. PACE is not for everybody. But if it is for you and your loved one, it is a Godsend.

Core Curriculum

1. Over 55.
2. Medical Need. (We will help you determine).
3. Income Limits: If married, may adjust.
4. “Safe at home,” with assistance.

Many other families are already taking advantage of these new rules. Why not you? The call is free, the information is free, the results can be priceless.

CALL THE PACE HOTLINE 1-800-317-2812


Dedication, Devotion

Just a couple weeks ago. A perfect Sunday morning in late summer. Bright sunshine, warm air, colorful flowers, green leaves.

Two women reading the paper. They could have been sisters. Remarkably similar. Children and grandchildren. Both are reliable volunteers for church and school. Both looking forward to their 50th wedding anniversary.

Comfortable homes with well-tended gardens. Paid for. Substantial retirement savings. No debt. (Thanks to coupon clipping and natural thrift!) Extravagant or expensive habits? None.

Except spoiling their grandchildren at every opportunity. Good-naturedly, of course.

You know these women. The sort of middle-class people who enrich the world by their simple presence. And generosity of spirit. Authentic kindness.

Now, both are primary caregivers for their husbands. Husbands who, after many years as partner and confidant, father and grandfather, best friend and “accomplice,” had fallen victim to Alzheimer’s Disease. Heart-breaking. Life-changing. No description necessary.

These women take their wedding vows seriously. Better or worse. Richer or poorer. Sickness and health. They said it. They meant it. They lived it.

Sure, the kids think it is corny. But these women took the words of JFK seriously: “We choose to do these things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard.” Alzheimer’s is hard.

To be sure, the kids have their own families and challenges. They live out of state. They would like to help, but… Now they think it is a good idea for Dad to be “placed”. What is it with kids these days?

Too Good To Be True?

One Sunday, both women were reading the same article. An account in The Michigan Elder Law Reporter describing the Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly, known as PACE.

The Reporter claimed that PACE provided free, at-home care. All pharmacy needs with no co-pays, donut holes, delays, or frustrating paperwork. Specialist care. Respite care. Durable medical equipment. Supplies. Occupational and Physical Therapy. The list went on and on. It even claimed that PACE was intended to help folks just like her. On purpose. Family members caring for loved ones at home. Staying at home.

Most outrageous, though, was the bald statement that their life savings, their home, their cottage, their security, need not be sacrificed to long-term care costs. That a lifetime of shared work could be preserved for themselves, their children, their grandchildren. How could that happen?!

They remembered similar articles … published over the summer and winter of 2020-2021. And the warning that the special COVID rules would expire on November first. Too late. But now comes the news that these rules were extended to April 2021! And yet again the COVID rules that expand eligibility were extended! “Until further notice…” Whatever that means, right?

Two Roads Diverged In A Wood, And I – I Took The One Less Traveled By…

And this is where the women made different choices.

One said to herself, “Stuff and Nonsense! I pity anyone foolish enough to believe this… Promises, promises! Too good to be true! I didn’t believe it last summer and I don’t believe it now! Fiddle Faddle.”

The other thought, “I heard of this back in July, then in the fall, and again in the springtime. I still didn’t act. Is it possible that I have another chance? Is Someone trying to tell me something? Maybe I should find out more…”

Five years quickly passed.

And That Has Made All Of The Difference

Another fine August morning. But now these women are not so much alike. They had made different choices. They got different results.

Pride Goeth Before A Fall

One was physically exhausted. Twenty-four hours a day. Seven days a week. Constant caregiving was taking a heavy toll. Worse was the mental stress. Facing bankruptcy. She gladly spent the life savings to pay home health care workers. Selling the cottage? No, she didn’t mind it. That money was long gone. Days at the lake a distant memory. The grandkids can learn to swim at the Y.

She was still bound and determined that her husband would never wind up in one of “those places.” Then the cash ran out. She gritted her teeth and took a loan against the house. Twice. Plus a line of credit. In desperation, she turned to cash advances on the credit cards.

In her pride, she did not share the burden with her friends or children. She chose a solitary journey. Until the inevitable day when the house of cards collapsed. She reached for the phone to call her eldest child.

She never imagined living in a senior housing project. Well, at least the bill collectors had stopped calling. Pathetic? Pitiful? Or just sad…

The other woman was at the cottage window watching her grandchildren fish from the dock. The last few years had been tough. Her husband no longer knew her or their children. She was making the best of a bad situation. But. Her health was good. The PACE folks were a blessing. No worries. PACE had installed a wheelchair ramp at their home. Several times a week, expert aides came out to attend to her husband’s hygiene. During that coronavirus problem so many years ago, they even helped with her grocery shopping. And housekeeping. In addition to all the medical support. She knew her future was secure. She did not face it alone. Life savings protected. Life choices respected. “Well,” she thought, “sometimes “too good to be true turns out even better.” Sympathy for her tough row to hoe. Tempered by respect for her wise decisions.

I Have Finished The Course, I Have Kept The Faith

Several months later.

At the first woman’s funeral, her friends agreed. It was tragic. Pitiful, even. She had run the race. She had fought the good fight. At the ultimate cost to herself, she did what she believed was necessary. Pouring out the savings and accomplishments of a lifetime in a few short years. But. Is there anything more tragic than needless suffering? Doing very well something that did not have to be done at all?

As one mourner observed, “She killed herself with work and worry, all to keep him out of “those places.” And where is he going now? One of “those places.”” It is more than sadness that we feel when a good person refuses the helping hand. It is more than regret when refusal leads to unfortunate consequences.

Not far away, at about the same time.

After the preacher’s kind words at the cemetery, the other woman turned from her husband’s grave. She too had run the race, fought the good fight. She had been there for him to the ultimate end. Hospice at the house. Familiar PACE folks who supplied the hospital bed, Hoyer lift and other necessary equipment and services. Given fair warning, the kids made it in from out of town. It was sad, heart-breaking. But not tragic. Surrounded by family and friends. Secure. Respected. Gracefully accepting sympathy without a hint of pity. At peace. What did the Lord have in store for her now? She did not know. But she looked forward to finding out.

The Difference

Most people, reading this article, will choose the path of the first woman. Most people, faced with long-term care costs, will close their eyes. Hope for the best. And watch their life savings evaporate like a snowflake on a hot griddle. Why does the caregiver spouse die first, almost half of the time? Why do hard-working, prudent, frugal, middle-class folks accept nursing home poverty? Most of the time?

Not Chance, Your Choice

There is nothing inevitable about losing your home, cottage, business, lifesavings, independence, security. All of that is a choice. Despite what “everybody else” says. For thirty-one years, people have told me, “I’ve never heard of this before!” “If this is real, why haven’t I heard of this before?” “My lawyer/financial advisor/ accountant/tax person/banker/best friend/fill-in-the-blank never said anything like this…”

Well, here you are. Reading The Reporter. So now you know. No excuses. The Reporter is here to provide information, insight, inspiration. Now it is your turn. To ignore the message. Invite poverty. Or get the freely offered information. To make wise decisions about your life. And that of your loved one.

It is not chance. It is choice. Your choice.
Get Free Information Now.

(800) 317-2812

The big dance – 1963
Betty and Wilma were like sisters. Without the sister drama. Since their first day at Lansing Central High, two years ago. Now Betty was organizing a dance with some Lansing Tech Junior ROTC guys. She had her eye on Barney, a fella who made that uniform look good. And Barney had a friend, Fred, a shy guy, just like her friend Wilma. Anything can happen at a dance, you know. When will Saturday get here?

On Thing Leads to Another

That dance was just rehearsal for the big dance Wilma and Fred, Betty and Barney would lead through their lives. After graduation, the guys got their union cards and entered the wonderful world of GM’s Lansing car assembly. The ladies followed.

Betty and Wilma did not stay long in the steno pool. Wilma loved to get things just right. Call it perfectionism if you want to, that talent got Wilma assigned to quality control. Eventually she headed the plant’s QC efforts. Betty’s organizational skills landed her in the plant manager’s Office, as executive secretary.

Betty and Wilma did not stay long in the dating pool, either. Fred and Barney knew a good thing when they saw it. Before long they “put a ring on it” and got busy raising families too.

It was a sad day in April 2004 when the Olds plant shut down for good. They were all retired, but it still hurt. The guys made a pilgrimage to the old place every springtime. Both couples were doing fine. Their homes were paid off and worth about $175,000. With $200,000 in savings and $75,000 of life insurance, they felt secure. Not to mention having prepaid their funerals. Each couple had three kids and three grandchildren. They even like the in-laws!

Nothing Good Lasts Forever… Gathering Clouds

Just few years ago. Another perfect spring. Bright sunshine, crisp air with a bit of warmth, the smell of new growth, green leaves.

Two women of a certain age. Maybe sisters. Alike in many ways. Both were mothers and grandmothers. Respected. Looked up to.

Reliable volunteers for church and school. You want it done right? Get Betty and Wilma on the case. Rapidly approaching their 50th wedding anniversary. Time flies.

You have friends like these women. Middle-class people who enrich the world. Generous spirits. Authentic kindness. Get it done attitude. Nice homes, colorful gardens. Debt free.

Comfortable cash cushion (not that the kids would know). Coupon clipping and natural thrift. No extravagant or expensive habits. Except spoiling their grandchildren. But what is going on with Fred and Barney? Why does Fred put the car keys in the refrigerator? Barney gets so confused with the simplest things. And it is getting worse.

2020… The Storm Breaks

Betty and Wilma are now their husbands’ primary caregivers. Barney and Fred, after many years as partner and confidant, father and grandfather, best friend and “accomplice,” have fallen victim to Alzheimer’s disease. Heart-breaking. Life-changing. COVID isolation on top of it all. No description necessary.

Wilma and Betty take their wedding vows seriously. Better or worse. Richer or poorer. Sickness and health. They said it. They meant it. They lived it.

Maybe the kids don’t get it. But these women took JFK at his word: “We choose to do these things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard.” Alzheimer’s is hard. Alzheimer’s plus COVID is even harder.

Yes, the kids have their own families and challenges. They live out of state. They would like to help, but… travel ban. Now they think it is a good idea for dad to be “placed”. What is it with kids these days?

A Real Lifeline… Too Good to be True?

A pleasant Sunday, May 2021, both women were reading the same article. An account in the Michigan Elder Law Reporter describing the program of all-inclusive care for the elderly, known as PACE.

The reporter claimed that PACE provided free, at-home care. All pharmacy needs with no co-pays, donut holes, delays, or frustrating paperwork. Specialist care. Respite care. Durable medical equipment. Supplies. Occupational and physical therapy. The list went on and on. It even claimed that PACE was intended to help folks just like her. On purpose. Family members caring for loved ones at home. Staying at home.

Most outrageous, though, was the bald statement that their life savings, home, life insurance… their security, need not be sacrificed. Their lifetime of shared work could be preserved for themselves, their children, their grandchildren. How could that happen?!

They remembered similar articles in the reporter… published over 2020. And the warning that the special COVID rules would expire, but were then extended to November, then extended to April 2021, then extended “until further notice.”

Two Roads Diverged in a Wood, And I – I Took the One Less Traveled By…

And this is where Betty and Wilma made different choices.

Betty said to herself, “stuff and nonsense! I pity anyone foolish enough to believe this… promises, promises! Too good to be true! I don’t believe it! Fiddle faddle.”

Wilma thought, “I heard of this last year and didn’t act. Could this be my second chance? Maybe I should find out more…” Five years quickly passed.

And that Has Made All of the Difference

Another fine spring morning. Betty and Wilma are still best friends. But not so much alike anymore. They made different choices. They got different results.

Pride Goeth Before a Fall

Betty was physically exhausted. Twenty-four hours a day. Seven days a week. Constant caregiving for Barney took a heavy toll.

Emotional stress was worse. Bankruptcy. Lifesavings did not last long paying home health care workers. Cashing in the life insurance? No, she didn’t mind. That money was long gone.

Betty was still bound and determined that her barney would never wind up in one of “those places.” Then the cash ran out. She gritted her teeth and took a loan against the house. Twice. Plus a line of credit. In desperation, she turned to cash advances on the credit cards.

In her pride, she did not share the burden with Wilma or her children. She chose a solitary journey. Until the inevitable day when the house of cards collapsed. She reached for the phone to call her eldest child. She never imagined living in a senior housing project. Well, at least the bill collectors have stopped harassing her.

She is Clothed with Strength and Dignity; She Can Laugh at the Days to Come

Wilma stood at the kitchen window. Watching her grandchildren play in the yard. The last few years had been tough. Fred did not recognize her or their children. She was making the best of a bad situation. But. Her health was good. The PACE folks were a blessing. No worries. PACE aides came out to help with Fred several times a week. During COVID so many years ago, they even helped with her grocery shopping. And housekeeping. Plus all the medical support. Wilma’s future was secure. She did not face it alone. No poverty: life savings protected. No charity: PACE was a return on all those tax dollars.

No waste:
Her legacy will endure for years. “well,” she thought, “sometimes “too good to be true turns out even better.”

I Have Finished the Course, I Have Kept the Faith

Several months later.
Betty’s funeral. Wilma thought about her best friend. It was tragic. Betty ran the race. Betty fought the good fight. At the ultimate cost to herself, she did what she believed was necessary. Rapidly pouring out the savings and accomplishments of a lifetime. All gone in the blink of an eye.

Is there anything more tragic than needless suffering? Striving to do something that did not have to be done at all? Wilma had to say it: “Betty killed herself with work and worry, all to keep barney out of “those places.” And where is he going now? One of “those places.”” When a good person refuses the helping hand, it is more than sadness. When refusal leads to catastrophe, it is more than regret.

The next year.
After the preacher’s kind words at the cemetery, Wilma turned from Fred’s grave. Wilma too ran the race, fought the good fight. Wilma had been there for Fred to the ultimate end. Hospice at the house. Familiar PACE folks who supplied the hospital bed, Hoyer lift and other necessary equipment and services. Given fair warning, the kids made it in from out of town. It was sad, heart- breaking. But not tragic. Surrounded by family and friends. Secure. At peace. What did the lord have in store for her now? Wilma did not know. But she looked forward to finding out.

The difference most people, reading this article, will choose Betty’s path. Most people, faced with long- term care costs, close their eyes. Reject reality. Hope for the best. As lifesavings evaporate like a snowflake on a hot griddle. Why does the caregiver spouse die first, almost half of the time? Why do hard-working, prudent, frugal, middle-class folks accept nursing home poverty? Most of the time?

Not Chance, Your Choice

There is nothing inevitable about losing your home, cottage, business, lifesavings, Independence, security. All of that is a choice. Despite what “everybody else” says. For over thirty years, people have told me, “I’ve never heard of this before!” “if this is real, why doesn’t everyone do it?” “my lawyer/financial advisor/brother-in-law/accountant/tax person/ banker/best friend/fill-in-the-blank never said anything like this…”

Well, here you are. Now you know. No excuses. Wilma or Betty? You have the information, insight, inspiration. It is your turn. Ignore the message? Invite poverty? Or get the freely offered information. To make wise decisions. For you. For your loved ones.


GET INFORMATION NOW. (800) 317-2812

For Richer, For Poorer, In Sickness And In Health

The Big Dance – 1963

Betty and Wilma were like sisters. Without the sister drama. Since their first day at Lansing Central High, two years ago. Now Betty was organizing a dance with some Lansing Tech Junior ROTC guys. She had her eye on Barney, a fella who made that uniform look good. And Barney had a friend, Fred, a shy guy, just like her friend Wilma. Anything can happen at a dance, you know. When will Saturday get here?

One Thing Leads To Another

That dance was just rehearsal for the Big Dance Wilma and Fred, Betty and Barney would lead through their lives. After graduation, the guys got their union cards and entered the wonderful world of GM’s Lansing Car Assembly. The ladies followed.

Betty and Wilma did not stay long in the steno pool. Wilma loved to get things just right. Call it perfectionism if you want to, that talent got Wilma assigned to Quality Control. Eventually she headed the plant’s QC efforts. Betty’s organizational skills landed her in the plant manager’s office, as executive secretary.

Betty and Wilma did not stay long in the dating pool, either. Fred and Barney knew a good thing when they saw it. Before long they “put a ring on it” and got busy raising families too.

It was a sad day in April 2004 when the Olds plant shut down for good. They were all retired, but it still hurt. The guys made a pilgrimage to the old place every springtime. Both couples were doing fine. Their homes were paid off and worth about $175,000. With $200,000 in savings and $75,000 of life insurance, they felt secure. Not to mention having prepaid their funerals. Each couple had three kids and three grandchildren. They even like the in-laws!

Nothing Good Lasts Forever… Gathering Clouds

Just few years ago. Another perfect spring. Bright sunshine, crisp air with a bit of warmth, the smell of new growth, green leaves.

Two women of a certain age. Maybe sisters. Alike in many ways. Both were mothers and grandmothers. Respected. Looked up to. Reliable volunteers for church and school. You want it done right? Get Betty and Wilma on the case. Rapidly approaching their 50th wedding anniversary. Time flies.

You have friends like these women. Middle-class people who enrich the world. Generous spirits. Authentic kindness. Get it done attitude.

Nice homes, colorful gardens. Debt Free. Comfortable cash cushion (not that the kids would know). Coupon clipping and natural thrift. No extravagant or expensive habits. Except spoiling their grandchildren.

But what is going on with Fred and Barney? Why does Fred put the car keys in the refrigerator? Barney gets so confused with the simplest things. And it is getting worse.

2020… The Storm Breaks

Betty and Wilma are now their husbands’ primary caregivers. Barney and Fred, after many years as partner and confidant, father and grandfather, best friend and “accomplice,” have fallen victim to Alzheimer’s Disease. Heart-breaking. Life-changing. COVID isolation on top of it all. No description necessary.

Wilma and Betty take their wedding vows seriously. Better or worse. Richer or poorer. Sickness and health. They said it. They meant it. They lived it.

Maybe the kids don’t get it. But these women took JFK at his word: “We choose to do these things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard.” Alzheimer’s is hard. Alzheimer’s plus COVID is even harder.

Yes, the kids have their own families and challenges. They live out of state. They would like to help, but… TRAVEL BAN. Now they think it is a good idea for Dad to be “placed”. What is it with kids these days?

A Real Lifeline… Too Good To Be True?

A pleasant Sunday, May 2021, both women were reading the same article. An account in The Michigan Elder Law Reporter describing the Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly, known as PACE.

The Reporter claimed that PACE provided free, at-home care. All pharmacy needs with no co-pays, donut holes, delays, or frustrating paperwork. Specialist care. Respite care. Durable medical equipment. Supplies. Occupational and Physical Therapy. The list went on and on. It even claimed that PACE was intended to help folks just like her. On purpose. Family members caring for loved ones at home. Staying at home.

Most outrageous, though, was the bald statement that their life savings, home, life insurance… their security, need not be sacrificed. Their lifetime of shared work could be preserved for themselves, their children, their grandchildren. How could that happen?!

They remembered similar articles in the Reporter… published over 2020. And the warning that the special COVID rules would expire, but were then extended to November, then extended to April 2021, then extended “until further notice.”

Two Roads Diverged In A Wood, And I –
I Took The One Less Traveled By…

And this is where Betty and Wilma made different choices.

Betty said to herself, “Stuff and Nonsense! I pity anyone foolish enough to believe this… Promises, promises! Too good to be true! I don’t believe it! Fiddle Faddle.”

Wilma thought, “I heard of this last year and didn’t act. Could this be my second chance? Maybe I should find out more…”

Five years quickly passed.

And That Has Made All Of The Difference

Another fine spring morning. Betty and Wilma are still best friends. But not so much alike anymore. They made different choices. They got different results.

Pride Goeth Before A Fall — Proverbs 16:18

Betty was physically exhausted. Twenty-four hours a day. Seven days a week. Constant caregiving for Barney took a heavy toll. Emotional stress was worse. Bankruptcy. Lifesavings did not last long paying home health care workers. Cashing in the life insurance? No, she didn’t mind. That money was long gone.

Betty was still bound and determined that her Barney would never wind up in one of “those places.” Then the cash ran out. She gritted her teeth and took a loan against the house. Twice. Plus a line of credit. In desperation, she turned to cash advances on the credit cards.

In her pride, she did not share the burden with Wilma or her children. She chose a solitary journey. Until the inevitable day when the house of cards collapsed. She reached for the phone to call her eldest child. She never imagined living in a senior housing project. Well, at least the bill collectors have stopped harassing her.

She Is Clothed With Strength And Dignity; She Can Laugh At The Days To Come. — Proverbs 31:25

Wilma stood at the kitchen window. Watching her grandchildren play in the yard. The last few years had been tough. Fred did not recognize her or their children. She was making the best of a bad situation. But. Her health was good. The PACE folks were a blessing. No worries. PACE aides came out to help with Fred several times a week. During COVID so many years ago, they even helped with her grocery shopping. And housekeeping. Plus all the medical support. Wilma’s future was secure. She did not face it alone. No Poverty: life savings protected. No Charity: PACE was a return on all those tax dollars. No Waste: Her legacy will endure for years. “Well,” she thought, “sometimes “too good to be true turns out even better.”

I Have Finished The Course,
I Have Kept The Faith
2 Timothy 4:7

Several months later.

Betty’s funeral. Wilma thought about her best friend. It was tragic. Betty ran the race. Betty fought the good fight. At the ultimate cost to herself, she did what she believed was necessary. Rapidly pouring out the savings and accomplishments of a lifetime. All gone in the blink of an eye.

Is there anything more tragic than needless suffering? Striving to do something that did not have to be done at all? Wilma had to say it: “Betty killed herself with work and worry, all to keep Barney out of “those places.” And where is he going now? One of “those places.”” When a good person refuses the helping hand, it is more than sadness. When refusal leads to catastrophe, it is more than regret.

The next year.

After the preacher’s kind words at the cemetery, Wilma turned from Fred’s grave. Wilma too ran the race, fought the good fight. Wilma had been there for Fred to the ultimate end. Hospice at the house. Familiar PACE folks who supplied the hospital bed, Hoyer lift and other necessary equipment and services. Given fair warning, the kids made it in from out of town. It was sad, heart-breaking. But not tragic. Surrounded by family and friends. Secure. At peace. What did the Lord have in store for her now? Wilma did not know. But she looked forward to finding out.

The Difference

Most people, reading this article, will choose Betty’s path. Most people, faced with long-term care costs, close their eyes. Reject reality. Hope for the best. As lifesavings evaporate like a snowflake on a hot griddle. Why does the caregiver spouse die first, almost half of the time? Why do hard-working, prudent, frugal, middle-class folks accept nursing home poverty? Most of the time?

Not Chance, Your Choice

There is nothing inevitable about losing your home, cottage, business, lifesavings, independence, security. All of that is a choice. Despite what “everybody else” says. For over thirty years, people have told me, “I’ve never heard of this before!” “If this is real, why doesn’t everyone do it?” “My lawyer/financial advisor/brother-in-law/accountant/tax person/banker/best friend/fill-in-the-blank never said anything like this…”

Well, here you are. Now you know. No excuses. Wilma or Betty? You have the information, insight, inspiration. It is your turn. Ignore the message? Invite poverty? Or get the freely offered information. To make wise decisions. For you. For your loved ones.

No Poverty. No Charity. No Waste.
It is not chance. It is choice. Your choice.

Get Information Now. (800) 317-2812

Seventeen years ago

Springtime in Michigan. Sunny, warm breezes, promise of summer. But a cold winter for Lansing Car Assembly. For 120 years, the factory churned out REO Speedwagons, tank cannons, aircraft machineguns, millions of artillery shells, muscle cars, and the last Oldsmobile convertible. GM’s most efficient plant. But the last Olds, a sporty Alero, drove off the line on April 29, 2004. It was over.

Fred and Barney walked away. Friends since their Lansing Technical High School days. They hired into the plant soon after graduation in the 60’s. Married to Wilma and Betty, Lansing Central girls they met at a Junior ROTC dance. The girls joined the steno pool soon after the boys went to work.

Many years later, the two men retired from the plant Ransom E. Olds founded so long ago. Pure Michigan. These older gentlemen were very much alike. Team players. They got the job done. Both had better-than-average careers. Personable, well-respected, and secure. Revered members of their church. Paid-for home in a nice neighborhood: $175,000. Savings of $200,000 from the days before 401(k) plans. Life insurance: $75,000. No debt. Conservative investments. Three kids. Three grandchildren. No bad habits (except spoiling the grandkids).

As new retirees so often are, both were filled with dreams for the future. Time to spend more time with the important people. Wives, kids, grandchildren. Tinkering in the shop. Volunteering at church. Traveling. Enjoying the retirement freedom and security they worked for, looked forward to, earned.

Last week. Still the same…

Every year, when the weather begins to turn, Fred and Barney return to visit. Nothing to see, really. Just memories.

They were still very much alike. Both healthy. Still devoted to their wives. Not all marriages thrive for fifty years. Both primary caregivers for their high school sweethearts. At home. Sadly, just a few short years into retirement, Wilma and Betty were stricken with Alzheimer’s.

But there are enormous differences.

Barney struggles to make ends meet. Living in subsidized senior housing. “On duty” 24 hours per day until his health broke. Exhausted. Retirement savings, Life insurance, Comfortable home – all gone. Betty went to memory care first. Now, the nursing home. Bank account emptied, retirement benefits cut, Barney needs every penny of social security.

Fred recently hosted his favorite (his only!) granddaughter’s wedding. “Uncle” Barney was an honored guest. Nothing high society, but really nice. One hundred and twenty close family and friends. Life savings intact. Independent, secure. Yes, he is Wilma’s primary caregiver. But she still lives at their home. And he has plenty of help.

Fred’s superpower is the Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE). PACE is the Medicaid program that provides services at home. No worries. COVID emergency rules let him keep the home, workshop, life savings.

Why Is One Desperate And The Other Secure?

Have you ever wondered, as I have, what makes this kind of difference in a person’s life? It does not seem to be natural intelligence or talent or dedication. I do not believe that Fred wants security, and that Barney does not.

Doesn’t the difference lie in what each person knows and how he or she uses that knowledge?

Every week we offer LifePlan™ Workshops and Webinars. Each week you are given a precious opportunity. You can say “Yes.” Yes to planning, security, choice. Middle class folks do not have to go broke. But traditional estate planning is broken. And that is the difference.

What is knowledge without action?

Nothing in the world can take the place of Persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and Determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan “Press On” has solved and will always solve the problems of the human race.

Calvin Coolidge

Years ago, Fred and Wilma invited Barney and Betty to join them at a LifePlan™ Workshop. Barney and Betty were too busy. Fred and Wilma made the time. Learned the lessons. Established their LifePlan™. It cost money. And effort. But Fred and Wilma (to be honest, it was mostly Wilma) persisted. And those law firm people made sure Fred and Wilma understood every step along the way.

When Alzheimer’s struck Wilma, Fred was ready. Health Care documents: Patient Advocate, Advance Directive, HIPPA releases. Even a funeral representative paper. Locked and loaded. Financial documents: Pantry Trust, Protection Trust, Financial Power of Attorney, Assignments, Deeds. Fort Knox safety.

Trusted professionals who do not charge by the hour. Everything quoted in advance. Friendly, reliable paralegals and attorneys. They sure seem willing to help. They say, “Always a free phone call. Always a free visit.” Maybe it is all just an act! But it is a pretty convincing act. Over all these years. And they have been darn helpful. Like with that wedding planner’s contract… Maybe they mean it…

“Freedom’s just another word for nothin’ left to lose” — Janis Joplin

Barney and Betty’s son-in-law told them about free fill-in-the-blank estate planning forms and cheap on-line services. A dedicated helpful son-in-law, he even printed them out on his own computer.

Free. Except for the $200,000 of life savings. Free. Except the $175,000 home. Free. Except the $75,000 life insurance. Yes. Free. Except for a lifetime’s worth of work and savings. Free. Except for that.
Maybe Janis was right. The most expensive things in the world are “free”.

LifePlanning™ works for you, your loved ones, your greater circle of friends. Have you heard about PACE or the new COVID emergency rules anywhere else?

Heartfelt Thanks To Geraldine T. Richardson – Special Contributor

I wish to recognize Geraldine T. Richardson (not to be confused with the other Geraldine Richardson who is a fine person but has no middle initial) for her inspiration. Geraldine has personally experienced, in her own family, the difference LifePlanning™ can make. I think it is fair to say that she is a little frustrated that more folks do not take advantage of these opportunities. (Hey, I’m doing the best I can!) When I asked Geraldine what more we could do, she said “Tell them, David! Tell them!” “How?” I replied. “Tell them about real families! But change the names…”

Call The Lifeplan™ Hotline Today at (800) 317-2812

You are tired. Caring for a loved one with dementia is no joke. You are worried. Where is the money going to come from? Lifesavings almost exhausted. Maybe a home equity line of credit… maybe credit cards… how long can I keep putting one foot in front of the other? What to do? So many people saying so many different things… Take a break with the newspaper… Boring… What does any of this have to do with me? Nothing but bad news anyway… Maybe that lawyer guy always yapping about nursing homes and such has something to say…

Emergency Rules Effective “Until Further Notice”

April 1st Cut-Off Rescinded! Free At-Home Care For Middle Class Taxpayers

Nobody Wants To Be Institutionalized:

Basic Facts
Thirty-nine years as an attorney. Thirty-one years focused on estate planning and elder law. Helping thousands of families deal with Alzheimer’s, Lewy Body, Parkinson’s, ALS… Watching Dad cope with Mom’s vascular dementia and death. One year of pandemic lockdown. One year of unnecessary death. By “Executive Order.” Here is what I see:

Great! 40 years of ignoring regular folks…
Big shot lawyer-guy… What do they know?
What does he care?

Fact #1: Your husband, wife, mom, or dad does not want institutional care. Neither do you. You want to stay home. So do they.
Fact #2: Institutional Care is COVID-19 deadly. How deadly? Very. At least 70 times greater. But cooked books in New York means we do not know just how deadly.
Fact #3 Institutional Care is Expensive. Assisted Living is $4000-$6000 per month. Nursing Home is $10,0000-$15,000 per month.
Fact #4: Your family is going broke. Nursing Home Poverty.
Fact #5: Medicaid pays when you are broke. Busted. Played out. Sell the cottage. Cash in the CDs. Spend the savings. When your lifesavings are gone, you can share a room. Get a shower a week (whether you need it or not). Experience the adventure of group laundry. Listen to your roommate practice his Tiny Tim impression, Tiptoeing Through the Tulips. At Two in the morning.
Fact #6: You want to care for your loved one. “Richer or Poorer, Sickness or Health, Good times and Bad” “Honor your Father and Mother.” You take this family responsibility stuff seriously.
Fact #7: Caring for you will kill your spouse. Break up your kid’s marriage. Caring for your spouse will kill you. Caregivers die first 40-50% of the time.
Fact #8: You can fix all of this. It will not cost you your lifesavings. Or your home. Or the cottage. Or your business.
Fact #9: Most folks would rather suffer the consequences than call 800-317-2812. Or take any other positive action.
Fact #10: Refusing the help you have paid for with your taxes. That is the tragedy.

Sounds wonderful! Sure. What does that guy know about tragedy? That stuff never works anyway. Not for us. We just pay and pay.
Promises, Promises, I’m all through with promises, promises now… One foot in front of the other… It is getting worse…
Doesn’t recognize the kids anymore… Hardly knows who I am… But I can do this! It’ll be OK… Somehow.

You Need Help. But. The Care Is Too Damn Expensive!

Yes. Yes, it is. Care is expensive. Caregivers are difficult to find. The work is hard. The hours are long.
Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) is the answer.

You or your loved one is safe at home, with family support. But you need care. Maybe not a lot, but more than a little. Just enough to keep you at home. That is where PACE comes in.

Compared to traditional, institutional care, PACE is a bargain. Much less expense. Meeting the need. Not so expensive. For the government. PACE is free to you.

Now: Expanded Eligibility

PACE is a privately run program. Paid for with your tax dollars. The tax dollars you contributed while working. The tax dollars that come out of every Social Security and pension check and IRA/401(k) distribution you receive. You have earned PACE.

But you must qualify. Maybe you have been told to sell the cottage. Or the farm. Or the hunting property. Maybe you have been told to “spend down.” No more CDs for you! Cash in those stocks and bonds. No security. Not for you. Not for your spouse. Not for your family. But…

Last year we reported good news about PACE. Emergency Rules. Eligibility expanded for thousands more families. Keep your life savings, cottage, farm, rental properties, business. Poverty is no longer required… provided you follow the complex rules. Care services are free. Keep your income. No co-pay. No doughnut hole. No other contribution.

Last year the State of Michigan said the special rules would expire in June. Then the State of Michigan said the COVID rules would expire in November. Then the State of Michigan said the emergency rules would expire in April. Getting dizzy yet?

Last week, the State of Michigan changed its mind again. Remember, these expanded rules have saved thousands of middle-class families like yours from nursing home poverty. Well, the State of Michigan said that these very beneficial rules would remain in effect, “UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE”!

Many Michigan families have already acted on this information. They are securing at-home care for their loved ones. PACE keeps them safe from the deadly COVID-19 virus stalking long-term care facilities.

Just like the government… keep changing things.
Do it this way, do it that way… Masks are awful… Masks are great… Six feet distance… Three feet distance…
Even if I try to go for that PACE thing, they’ll just change the rules again and we’ll be really be up a creek…
Still, might be nice to get some help… Wakes me up at all hours… Just wandering through the house…
How much more can I take? One foot in front of the other… So lonely…

Healthy Skepticism Or Deadly Doubt?

Many more families could benefit. But tragically, they cannot believe it is possible. Healthy skepticism hardens into stubborn rejection. Everyone suffers. Clinging to the idea that it is “too good to be true” or “fake news”? Pitiful. I’ve spoken to some folks who were uncertain and suspicious. Accurate information and proof beat unfounded fears every day. Fact: You do not have to accept nursing home poverty for yourself or your loved one.

Exactly… just a come-on. Fake news. Never works for real people. Can’t fool me with that too good to be true crap. What does a lawyer know about long-term care anyway? Shysters! What do they care? We won’t get fooled again…

Do You Or Your Loved One Qualify?

Answer Yes To 3 Questions:
1. Need help with activities of daily life? Memory problems? Oxygen therapy? Blindness? Dialysis? These are just a few of the many ways to qualify.
2. Are you safe at home?
3. Gross social security less than $2382? (Special rules for pension income.)

Let’s do the homework together. Most folks get large benefits. It costs nothing to find out.

Get Answers Now: 800-317-2812

Yeah, yeah… it’s dementia… Of course, we need help with daily routine… Of course, there are memory problems… not thinking straight… Still safe at home, as long as I’m around… I wish we
got that much social security! What’s a pension? “Large benefits” huh… I’m so sure… “Costs nothing” who believes that? It would be nice, though… Bah… nonsense!

Covid-19 Rule Changes Will Not Last

COVID-19 emergency rules are temporary. The benefits are permanent. When the emergency is over, these favorable rules will be gone. Of course, this may not be for you. Why not find out? Is it so bad to get back a little from the tax dollars you have paid? Call our Discovery Paralegal at 800-317-2812. Why not find out now?

Sure, it might be nice to get something back from taxes, but that is not how it works… $1400… whoop-de-do… We need real help, not window-dressing…

What Benefits Does Pace Provide?

Folks always want to know: What can PACE do for me? You have a team on your side. Your PACE team is doctors, therapists, dieticians, nurses, physician assistants, administrators. All work together to provide the best solution. Want more detail? You can receive:

• On-Site Physician/Medical Supervision
• Nursing Care
• Physical Therapy
• Occupational Therapy
• Recreational Therapy
• Activities and Exercise
• Breakfast, Lunch, Snack
• Nutritional Counseling
• Social Services
• Dental Care
• Audiology
• Optometry
• Podiatry

I bet it’s a dump, full of crazy people…

Medical Specialists
• Women’s Services
• Dentistry and Dentures
• Optometry and Eyeglasses
• Audiology and Hearing Aids
• Podiatry, Diabetic Shoes and Orthotics
• Cardiology
• Rheumatology

“Medical specialists!”
I bet there a bunch of hacks and quacks…

Outpatient Services
• Lab Tests
• Radiology
• X-Rays
• Outpatient Surgery

Sure, x-ray machine from when LBJ was president…
Surgery with rusty knives, I bet ya…

Primary Care Physician
• On call 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Huh, 24/7… probably just an answering service…
I bet they “get back” to you next week, next month…

Home Health And Home Care Services
• Skilled Nursing and Assisted Living
• Physical and Occupational Therapy
• Personal Care
• Chore Services
• Meal Preparation

I bet they don’t really do all that stuff…

Inpatient Services
• Emergency Room Visits
• Hospitalizations
• Inpatient Specialist
• Skilled Inpatient Rehabilitation

I know they use the local hospital so that’s OK,
but I bet only the old, run-down parts of it…

Transportation Services

I bet they give you a used bicycle… Good Luck!

Prescriptions And Over-The-Counter Medications

I heard they have their own pharmacy… No co-pays. No record-keeping. No neighbor kids stealing our drugs off the front porch. Huh. Well, I bet there’s something wrong with it!

Family/Caregiver Support Services
• Respite Care and Caregiver Education

Rehab And Durable Medical Equipment
• Wheelchairs
• Walkers
• Oxygen
• Hospital Beds
• Diabetic Testing Supplies
• Adult Day Care

The Smiths used PACE…
they got brand-new equipment. Top notch stuff.
I bet that would not work for us…

What You Need To Do Now… While There Is Still Time Under The Covid Rules

Get the straight story. You do not need to prepare for the call. Call as you are. Very basic questions… you already know the answers… Your loved one is counting on you. Don’t let them down. It’s simple and free. Call 800-317-2812. Your Discovery meeting and Analysis meeting are waiting for you. Get it done.

What’s that they say in the casino and lottery commercials? “If YOU have a gambling problem, call the hotline etc, etc… Maybe I’m betting too much… Maybe I’m gambling with my loved one’s health and well-being… Maybe I’m gambling with my own health and well-being… Maybe I have a “gambling” problem… What was that number again?… 800-317-2812…
Hey! Old-fashioned toll-free…

Long-term care breaks the Michigan Middle-class. Destroys your peace of mind. Throws all your best-laid plans into confusion. Intimate, family relationships are strained, sometimes to the breaking point. Couples of 50,60,70 years separated as never before. LifePlanning™ preserves your lifesavings and protects what you deeply value. Security for you and your loved ones. That is what this is all about. And I explain how in our Workshops and Webinars. Recently, however, an older gentleman challenged me. “How do I know you deliver the security you talk about? What’s your guarantee? You lawyers don’t guarantee a darn thing. Humph!” I like a challenge. And that comment got me to thinking… Why not a Guarantee? We say we deliver security, peace of mind, a solid foundation for the future. That’s what thousands of clients over the last 31 years have said, too. But why not a GUARANTEE? So here is our totally scientific, iron-clad, super-duper paratrooper, no bones about it, tell us what you really think, Guarantee.

Peace Of Mind Is Our Stock In Trade

Sleep Like A Baby…
Walking On Sunshine
You Be The Judge!

Here’s How It Works
1. Come to a Workshop or Webinar.
2. Meet in person at one of our convenient offices or by ZOOM.
3. Working together, we devise a comprehensive LifePlanTM that meets your unique needs.
4. You retain us to implement your LifePlanTM.
5. When you take that first step on the LifePlanTM journey, each adult will receive:
a. A brand-new, FedEx-fresh from the factory, queen-size MyPillow®. Medium Firm. (Yes, these are the genuine article; the real McCoy! Accept No Substitutes!)
b. Deluxe Pillowcase(s) (Also new (what did you think?)).
6. Sleep on your new MyPillow while we draft and you review your LifePlanTM. Take careful note of the deeper, more restful and refreshing sleep you enjoy. (Is it the MyPillow or your progress to LifePlanTM security?
7. At one of our comfortable, homelike offices, your home, hospital, long-term care facility or such other place as may be convenient, create your LifePlanTM by signing a truly impressive array of documents.
8. Feel the calming waves of relief and security wash over you and your family.
9. Evaluate your sleep.
a. You will enjoy peaceful sleep unlike any other ever before!
b. Your LifePlanTM Peace of Mind will beat the MyPillow, hands down!
c. The calm invigoration of your LifePlanTM will make you feel like a new person!
d. As the lines of worry and anxiety fade from your face, your family and friends will accuse you of having had plastic surgery! Wow!
11. If your LifePlanTM does not “knit up the ravelled sleeve of care” (as Shakespeare said), simply let us know. You may have your choice of:
a. An electronic metronome; or
b. A white noise machine; or
c. A box of chamomile tea bags.

Now That’s A Guarantee!

You know. Everyone knows. COVID Elder Plague facts are familiar. Well known. Nothing to argue about. Victims are overwhelmingly older. Most in long-term care facilities. Tragic, infuriating truth: nursing home residents are 70 times more likely to die of COVID. Government Policies, Executive Orders have been deadly.

Are COVID rates rising among the young? Not really. U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) consistently show 95% of COVID deaths among those over 50 years old. Surprised? Check it out: https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#demographics

Even now, some state bureaucrats mishandle COVID vaccinations. Fatal delays for elders. The CDC initially showed Michigan’s vaccination rate among the worst. Hapless officials offered technical-sounding “dog ate my homework” type excuses. Weeks later, current CDC data shows Michigan still lags. See for yourself: https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#vaccinations Michigan elders are paying with their lives.

MEDICAID PROGRAM – Pace Expansion Is A Big Deal

Emergency, limited changes to the Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly (“PACE”). New opportunities for thousands of families. At-home care without more sacrifice. You can keep your lifesavings, cottage, farm, rental properties, business. No Poverty! By following the rules. Care services: free – fair return for what you paid in. Income: keep it. No co-pay, doughnut hole or other bamboozling malarkey.

We helped dozens secure at-home care for their loved ones. Belief: PACE saved many families from the deadly COVID virus stalking long-term care facilities.

“COVID-19 emergency rules are temporary. The benefits are permanent. When the emergency is over, these favorable rules will be gone.” Lifesaving benefits for a lifetime.

The special rules originally expired November 1, 2020. But were extended to April 1, 2021. Seemed like a long time, right? Unfortunately, the extra time is almost up. Like sands through the hourglass… Tick tock. One last chance for your family to get back a little of what you paid in. It is a big deal. And it is almost gone.

PACE itself is not going away. PACE will continue to provide quality of life to Middle-class Michigan. PACE has served us well since 1969. Not going nowhere. What is going away are the favorable eligibility rules that have saved so much for so many families. Soon it will be more expensive. More complex. More difficult. More challenging. What is your excuse to delay?

Threat To Middle Class Security

You are Middle-class Michigan. You have worked and saved. Since you were 10 years old. You and your spouse have a bit set aside. You are fine! But then…

You are caring for your loved one at home. You applied for help. Rejected! Too much income. Too much savings. A cottage, a business, a farm, stocks, bonds, IRA.

Your financial advisor, the accountant, your lawyer. All say the same thing: You must “spend down” all you have achieved. No help until you are broke.

Healthy Skepticism Or Deadly Doubt?

COVID emergency rules changed all that! Many more families can get the PACE benefits they earned. Yours included? Tragically, some refuse to believe it is possible. Healthy skepticism hardens into stubborn rejection. Everyone suffers. Clinging to the idea that it is “too good to be true” or “fake news”? Pitiful. Talk to folks who are uncertain and suspicious. Accurate information and proof beat unfounded fears every day. Fact: You do not have to accept nursing home poverty for yourself or your loved one.

Do You Or Your Loved One Qualify?

Answer Yes To 3 Questions:

  • 1. Need help with activities of daily life? Memory problems? Cognition issues? Daily oxygen therapy? Blindness? Dialysis? These are just a few of the many ways to qualify.
  • 2. Are you safe at home?
  • 3. 2021 Social security (gross) less than $2382? (Special strategies to reduce pension income.)

We can do the homework together. Most families benefit. Hugely. But it costs nothing to find out.

Get Answers Now: (800) 317-2812

What Are The Benefits?

What can PACE do for me? Why not find out? Your team is standing by. PACE is doctors, therapists, dieticians, nurses, physician assistants, administrators. All working together to provide your best solution. Want more detail? Call us.

PACE includes:
On-Site Physician/Medical Supervision; Nursing Care; Physical Therapy; Occupational Therapy; Recreational Therapy; Activities and Exercise; Breakfast, Lunch, Snack; Nutritional Counseling; Social Services; Dental Care; Audiology; Optometry; Podiatry; Women’s Services; Dentistry and Dentures; Optometry and Eyeglasses; Audiology and Hearing Aids; Podiatry, Diabetic Shoes and Orthotics; Cardiology; Rheumatology; Lab Tests; Radiology; X-Rays; Outpatient Surgery; Primary Care Physician: On call 24 hours a day, seven days a week; Physical and Occupational Therapy; Personal Care; Chore Services; Meal Preparation; Emergency Room Visits; Hospitalizations; Inpatient Specialist; Skilled Inpatient Rehabilitation; Transportation Services; Prescriptions; Over-the-Counter Medicines; Transportation; Respite Care and Caregiver Education; Wheelchairs; Walkers; Oxygen; Hospital Beds; Diabetic Testing Supplies; Adult Day Care.

No Poverty. No Handouts. No Waste.

Your team is united by 3 goals and 1 mission.

  • 1. No Poverty. Your family will NOT go broke.
  • 2. No Handouts. You paid for these benefits with a lifetime of work and taxes. You earned this.
  • 3. No Waste. Your beneficiaries get whatever is left. For certain. No crazy fees. No probate.

Mission: We make the rules work for the folks who play by the rules.

How Much Time Do You Think You Have? Why Waste It?

Get the straight story. Your loved one is counting on you. Satisfy yourself that you have the right information. It is simple and free. Your Discovery meeting is just a couple days away. Looking forward to meeting you.

Every PACE case. Every Medicaid case. Every long-term case. Each case is exhaustively documented and thoroughly prepared. Each case is audited. Each case must be correct. There is no margin for error. “Close” is not good enough. “Almost” equals loss. We do not tolerate, cheer, or accept failure. Not an option. Because your family is on the line. Your life work is at stake. It must be done right. And that takes time.

GET ANSWERS NOW. (800) 317-2812

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