Tag Archive for: program of all-inclusive care for the elderly

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Dedication, Devotion

Just a couple weeks ago. A perfect Sunday morning in early summer. Bright sunshine, warm air, colorful flowers, green leaves.

Two women reading the paper. They could have been sisters. Remarkably similar. Children and grandchildren. Both are reliable volunteers for church and school. Both looking forward to their 50th wedding anniversary.

Comfortable homes with well-tended gardens. Paid for. Substantial retirement savings. No debt. (Thanks to coupon clipping and natural thrift!) Extravagant or expensive habits? None. Except spoiling their grandchildren at every opportunity. Good-naturedly, of course.

You know these women. The sort of middle- class people who enrich the world by their simple presence. And generosity of spirit. Authentic kindness.

Now, both are primary caregivers for their husbands. Husbands who, after many years as partner and confidant, father and grandfather, best friend and “accomplice,” had fallen victim to Alzheimer’s Disease. Heart-breaking. Life- changing. No description necessary.

These women take their wedding vows seriously. Better or worse. Richer or poorer. Sickness and health. They said it. They meant it. They lived it.

Sure, the kids think it is corny. But these women took the words of JFK seriously: “We choose to do these things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard.” Alzheimer’s is hard.

To be sure, the kids have their own families and challenges. They live out of state. They would like to help, but… Now they think it is a good idea for Dad to be “placed”. What is it with kids these days?

Too Good To Be True?

As it happens, on this pleasant Sunday, both women were reading the same article. An account in The Michigan Elder Law Reporter describing the Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly, known as PACE.

The Reporter claimed that PACE provided free, at-home care. All pharmacy needs with no co-pays, donut holes, delays, or frustrating paperwork. Specialist care. Respite care. Durable medical equipment. Supplies. Occupational and Physical Therapy. The list went on and on. It even claimed that PACE was intended to help folks just like her. On purpose. Family members caring for loved ones at home. Staying at home.

Most outrageous, though, was the bald statement that their life savings, their home, their cottage, their security, need not be sacrificed to long-term care costs. That a lifetime of shared work could be preserved for themselves, their children, their grandchildren. How could that happen?!

They remembered similar articles in the Reporter… published over the summer and winter of 2020-2021. And the warning that the special COVID rules would expire on November first. Too late. But now comes the news that these rules were extended to April 2021! And yet again the COVID rules that expand eligibility were extended! “Until further notice…” Whatever that means, right?

Two Roads Diverged In A Wood, And I – I Took The One Less Traveled By…

And this is where the women made different choices.

One said to herself, “Stuff and Nonsense! I pity anyone foolish enough to believe this… Promises, promises! Too good to be true! I didn’t believe it last summer and I don’t believe it now! Fiddle Faddle.”

The other thought, “I heard of this back in July, then in the fall, and again in the springtime. I still didn’t act. Is it possible that I have another chance? Is Someone trying to tell me something? Maybe I should find out more…”

Five years quickly passed.

And That Has Made All Of The Difference

Another fine June morning. But now these women are not so much alike. They had made different choices. They got different results.

Pride Goeth Before A Fall

One was physically exhausted. Twenty-four hours a day. Seven days a week. Constant caregiving was taking a heavy toll. Worse was the mental stress. Facing bankruptcy. She gladly spent the life savings to pay home health care workers. Selling the cottage? No, she didn’t mind it. That money was long gone. Days at the lake a distant memory. The grandkids can learn to swim at the Y.

She was still bound and determined that her husband would never wind up in one of “those places.” Then the cash ran out. She gritted her teeth and took a loan against the house. Twice. Plus a line of credit. In desperation, she turned to cash advances on the credit cards.

In her pride, she did not share the burden with her friends or children. She chose a solitary journey. Until the inevitable day when the house of cards collapsed. She reached for the phone to call her eldest child. She never imagined living in a senior housing project. Well, at least the bill collectors had stopped calling. Pathetic? Pitiful? Or just sad…

The other woman was at the cottage window watching her grandchildren fish from the dock. The last few years had been tough. Her husband no longer knew her or their children. She was making the best of a bad situation. But. Her health was good. The PACE folks were a blessing. No worries. PACE had installed a wheelchair ramp at their home. Several times a week, expert aides came out to attend to her husband’s hygiene. During that coronavirus problem so many years ago, they even helped with her grocery shopping. And housekeeping. In addition to all the medical support. She knew her future was secure. She did not face it alone. Life savings protected. Life choices respected. “Well,” she thought, “sometimes “too good to be true turns out even better.” Sympathy for her tough row to hoe. Tempered by respect for her wise decisions.

I Have Finished The Course, I Have Kept The Faith

Several months later.

At the first woman’s funeral, her friends agreed. It was tragic. Pitiful, even. She had run the race. She had fought the good fight. At the ultimate cost to herself, she did what she believed was necessary. Pouring out the savings and accomplishments of a lifetime in a few short years. But. Is there anything more tragic than needless suffering? Doing very well something that did not have to be done at all? As one mourner observed, “She killed herself with work and worry, all to keep him out of “those places.” And where is he going now? One of “those places.”” It is more than sadness that we feel when a good person refuses the helping hand. It is more than regret when refusal leads to unfortunate consequences.

Not far away, at about the same time.

After the preacher’s kind words at the cemetery, the other woman turned from her husband’s grave. She too had run the race, fought the good fight. She had been there for him to the ultimate end. Hospice at the house. Familiar PACE folks who supplied the hospital bed, Hoyer lift and other necessary equipment and services. Given fair warning, the kids made it in from out of town. It was sad, heart- breaking. But not tragic. Surrounded by family and friends. Secure. Respected. Gracefully accepting sympathy without a hint of pity. At peace. What did the Lord have in store for her now? She did not know. But she looked forward to finding out.

The Difference

Most people, reading this article, will choose the path of the first woman. Most people, faced with long-term care costs, will close their eyes. Hope for the best. And watch their life savings evaporate like a snowflake on a hot griddle. Why does the caregiver spouse die first, almost half of the time? Why do hard-working, prudent, frugal, middle-class folks accept nursing home poverty? Most of the time?

Not Chance, Your Choice

There is nothing inevitable about losing your home, cottage, business, lifesavings, independence, security. All of that is a choice. Despite what “everybody else” says. For thirty-one years, people have told me, “I’ve never heard of this before!” “If this is real, why haven’t I heard of this before?” “My lawyer/financial advisor/ accountant/tax person/banker/best friend/fill- in-the-blank never said anything like this…”

Well, here you are. Reading The Reporter. So now you know. No excuses. The Reporter is here to provide information, insight, inspiration. Now it is your turn. To ignore the message. Invite poverty. Or get the freely offered information. To make wise decisions about your life. And that of your loved one.

It is not chance. It is choice. Your choice.

Get Information Now. (800) 317-2812




Everyone knows somebody like my father. I bet you are a lot like him in many ways. My Dad is the sort who always goes the extra mile. Always giving everything he had. Looking out for others. Going out of his way. Generous. Hard-working.

Dad enlisted in the Navy during WWII, as soon as he could. Following his older brother, an officer and PT boat commander. Dad served stateside, as a Photographer’s Mate, at the Philadelphia Naval Air Station. Mostly taking pictures of crashed airplanes. And the remains of the trainees who crashed them.

After the war, he went to college on the GI Bill. Surrounded by other sailors, soldiers, airmen and Marines. A generation of men and women who did not feel sorry for themselves. They had seen evil and death. The world was balanced on the edge of a knife. And they did their duty. They saved the world. Look it up.

Then they came back and went to college. And got married. And raised families. And were grateful for the ordinariness of life. Thirty years ago, when I first started my law practice, I was privileged to meet many of these men and women. So many heroes. The real kind.

They are almost all gone now. But they made a lasting impression. Among them, my dad is not unusual. But how many of us have the same quality?

When Dad met Mom, he settled down. Became a teacher, like so many of his Navy buddies. Teachers in the 1950’s were not paid very much. All worked through the summers. Most had a second job. Mom wanted a large family. Dad came from a large family. He knew what was required. So.

My father got up early… had to be at school by 8 a.m. A tough school in a bad neighborhood. When the bell rang at 3 in the afternoon, Dad came home and took a nap. By 6 in the evening, he was punching the clock at the local brewery. Bottled beer all night. Dad clocked out at 2 in the morning. Came home. Took a nap. At 7 a.m., he started all over again. For 16 years.

Did I mention he was also taking college courses for his master’s degree? Yeah, he did that too. Eventually he took on enough extra jobs at school to quit the brewery. He ran the breakfast program, lunch program, after-school program. He was pretty happy that he did not have to work until 2 a.m. anymore.

Like you, he was active at church. Joined the Lions Club. Volunteered for stuff. Helped out in ways no one ever saw… no one ever knew.

Dad and Mom raised 8 children. Five boys, three girls. I’m the second. I have an older sister. Their example was powerful. And we are all doing quite well. Thank you.

Mom died ten years ago. Dad still lives on his own. Pretty much. At 96 years old, he cannot do what he used to. But he keeps trying. A few weeks ago, he was painting the handrail on the brick stairs leading the front door. Lost his balance. Fell to the brick stairs. Fell on his face. Not the first time. Still OK. He insists.

So, the kids take turns staying with Dad. Just to be there. Just in case. My two weeks is coming up soon. We talk together to set the calendar, to make sure someone is always with Dad. And we talk about options. Including assisted living.

This is where my failure became obvious.


Your children are talking about you. Deny it if you wish, but it is the truth. What to do about Mom? What to do about Dad? How long can they stay at home? What sort of behaviors do you see? What does it mean? What do we do now? Well-meaning questions. By good-natured people. Who truly love you. But are concerned. With your best interests in mind. What they think are your “best interests” anyway.

Recently, as we were setting the Visiting Kids Calendar, one of my brothers asked, “Why isn’t Dad on this PACE program you keep talking about?”

I had no answer. Honestly. You have heard the old saying, “The shoemaker’s kids go barefoot!” It is not that bad. When Mom needed skilled nursing home care for the months before she died, we were ready. LifePlan™ to the rescue.

Dad was not impoverished. There was no Medicaid Mortgage. Mom got the care she needed, at a top long-term care facility. Dad’s years of taxpaying and planning were rewarded.

Ten years later. Dad’s needs are increasing. With 8 kids, he will never be alone. But we are not medical people. What about those needs?

My brother saw what I did not. PACE – the Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly was designed for my Dad. He stays at home. With his woodwork shop. Puttering around, fixing this, painting that. Independent. Proud. And getting just the right amount of help to keep him that way.

Was I embarrassed to have overlooked the contribution PACE could make to my own father’s ability to live life on his own terms? You bet. I wish I had proposed the solution. But a good idea is a good idea, whomever comes up with it.


Most folks who seek answers are relieved and pleased they learn that effective solutions do exist. Thousands of families have honored my team and me with their confidence and trust. And those families have received the benefits they have earned and deserve.

But I have often been puzzled when some families reject the same answers that other families have embraced. It is not unusual for some folks to come back to us, often after months and sometimes years of “spending down,” exhausting their lifesavings. Selling the farm.

If you are like me, you learn from your mistakes. And you try not to repeat the same- old, same-old. I failed my Dad by not seeing how the PACE program could greatly improve his quality of life. But I see it now, and I am taking action. To preserve his independence. His choices. My Dad, and yours, and you, deserve to enjoy life. On your own terms. Not crammed, shoved, or stuffed into someone else’s idea of what you need.

Most people have never heard of PACE. But now you will know. You will be the expert.


Everyone knows COVID-19 decimates older folks. National reporting confirms the worst place for COVID victims is a long-term care facility. The undeniable tragic history: if you were in a nursing home, your risk of death from COVID-19 was 70 times greater. Did autocratic Executive Orders in New York, New Jersey and Michigan cause thousands of extra deaths? Of course they did. We know that now. But what can we do?

Over the last couple of years, we reported good news about at-home care. Michigan changed the Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly – PACE. Eligibility expanded for thousands of new families. Families can now keep their life savings, cottage, farm, rental properties, business. Poverty is no longer required… provided you follow the complex rules. Care services are free. Keep your income. No co-pay, doughnut hole or other contribution.

Many Michigan families have acted on this new information. They have secured at-home care for their loved ones. PACE has kept them safe from the deadly COVID-19 virus stalking long-term care facilities. Healthier at home!


Many more families cannot believe it is possible. But they could benefit from PACE. Healthy skepticism hardens into stubborn rejection. Everyone suffers. Clinging to the idea that it is “too good to be true” or “fake news”?

Pitiful. Naturally, some folks are uncertain and suspicious. Rightfully so! But accurate information and proof beat unfounded fears every day. Fact: You do not have to accept nursing home poverty for yourself or your loved one.



1. Need help with activities of daily life? Memory problems? Oxygen therapy? Blindness? Dialysis? These are just a few of the many ways to qualify.
2. Are you safe at home?
3. Gross social security less than $2382? (Special rules for pension income.)

Let’s do the homework together. Most folks get the benefits they need for independence and security. Information costs nothing. You can find out. Today.

Get Answers Now: 800-317-2812


COVID-19 emergency rules are temporary.

The benefits are permanent. When the emergency is over, these favorable rules will be gone. Of course, this may not be for you. Why not find out? Is it so bad to get back a little from the tax dollars you have paid?


Folks always want to know: What can PACE do for me? You have a team on your side. Your PACE team is doctors, therapists, dieticians, nurses, physician assistants, administrators. All work together to provide the best solution. Want more detail? You can receive:

• On-Site Physician/Medical Supervision
• Nursing Care
• Physical Therapy
• Occupational Therapy
• Recreational Therapy
• Activities and Exercise
• Breakfast, Lunch, Snack
• Nutritional Counseling
• Social Services
• Dental Care
• Audiology
• Optometry
• Women’s Services
• Dentistry and Dentures
• Optometry and Eyeglasses
• Audiology and Hearing Aids
• Podiatry, Diabetic Shoes and Orthotics
• Cardiology
• Lab Tests
• Radiology
• X-Rays
• Outpatient Surgery

• On call 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

• Skilled Nursing and Assisted Living
• Physical and Occupational Therapy
• Personal Care
• Chore Services
• Meal Preparation

• Emergency Room Visits
• Hospitalizations
• Inpatient Specialist
• Skilled Inpatient Rehabilitation


• Respite Care and Caregiver Education

• Wheelchairs
• Walkers
• Oxygen
• Hospital Beds
• Diabetic Testing Supplies
• Adult Day Care

Get the straight story. Your loved one is counting on you. Don’t let them down. It’s simple and free.

Call 800-317-2812.
Your Discovery meeting and Analysis meeting are waiting for you. Get it done.

Note: Not Legal Advice!

Can a doctor, nurse, or social worker force someone into a skilled nursing home against their wishes? Mother is unable to care for herself and my father cannot take care of her as he has health issues. The doctor, nurse, and social worker for my mother want to put her in nursing home but she does not want to go. She would rather stay with family with the help of caregivers. She has not been declared mentally incompetent although she has early onset dementia.

Let us agree on a few basics:

  • 1. No one wants institutional care
  • 2. Everyone wants care at home
  • 3. At home care is expensive

No doctor, nurse or social worker can force your mother into a skilled nursing facility against her will. That is the job of the probate court. If the court finds your mother legally incapacitated, it will appoint a guardian. The guardian can involuntarily place you in long-term care. A strong estate plan avoids this.

Doctors, nurses, social workers… they are not monsters. But they are busy. Today they will see another dozen dementia patients. Tomorrow will be the same. Busy professionals. They are experts. Using the same methods over and over again.

Reality: No one cares about your mother as you do. If doctors, nurses, and social workers tried to care that much, the system would break down. They have much to do. Little time to do it. Not their fault. No blame. But…

“Good enough” is not good enough for your mother. But what to do? These folks are experts! They know! So much advice. From neighbors, friends at church, brothers-in-law. You research and get more confused. And hopeless. Beaten down, you go along. Guessing the experts are right… Now mother is in the nursing home. Isolated. Unhappy. COVID quarantined.

It could have been different.

We advocate. Fight for your mother, as I did for mine. This is personal. Thirty years of refusing to take no for an answer.

The Way: Observe, Orient, Decide, Act.

First, observe. Get a good grasp on the facts right now. Gather bank statements, financial records, tax returns. Get the medical records. Organize any legal documents. Stay aware of changes. Get the picture.

Second, orient. Check options. Do not wait any longer. Refuse to accept existing legal documents, like trusts, wills or powers of attorney. Protecting your mother is your job. Your tools must be sharp and strong. Those old documents may be (likely are) dull and rusted. And may fail in crisis. Find out. Costs nothing but a phone call. Might save everything. At least you will know.

Third, decide. What choice will you make? At this point, you know what is available. Crunch time. Refusing to decide is a decision. You may think you were better off not knowing. You might be right. Ignorance is bliss?

Fourth, act. Revise or replace useless tools as necessary. Secure benefits. Go. Fight. Win.

For Your Mother:

  • 1. Get the facts. Call us for a free Discovery Meeting. Telephone call or online video meeting with a paralegal or attorney team member. Get the checklist. Guided, purposeful information gathering. Focused only on the relevant facts. Personal, financial, legal. Then set up the free Engagement Evaluation.
  • 2. Know your options. Engagement Evaluation. Are at-home care options available for mother? What about your father’s needs? How can we secure benefits without sacrificing lifesavings? What residential care options are there?
  • 3. Choose. Consult with your family. Pray. Reflect. Discern. Choose the most appropriate course of action. There is no free lunch. There are costs to doing and not doing. But you decide.
  • 4. Act. Git ‘er done! Secure lifesavings. Mother stays home with free help. Could be the Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly or the MiChoice Waiver program. Or an assisted living facility with Waiver might be best. Or full skilled nursing.

Swimming in Lake Michigan is dangerous. The undertow can sweep you away. But if you know how, it can be great. Long-term care is dangerous. Your family can drown in costs, squabbles, inappropriate care. But if you know how, you can transform end of life challenges to triumph. Building shared experiences, cementing family relationships. It is up to you. We can help.

PACE Program eligibility expanded until April 1, 2021

The Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) provides a full range of therapeutic and care services to you at home. At no cost to you. If you qualify. COVID emergency rules mean that many folks who did not qualify before are now eligible. Even more people can become eligible. We can show you how.

Sad Truth: Many folks who qualify do not even ask because they do not think they could possibly get any benefits. This is bad thinking. Leads to unnecessary nursing home placement for you. Stress on caregiver spouse leads to premature death: 40-50% of the time, the caregiver dies first. Unnecessary.

Good News: Under the emergency rules, you can: Keep your cottage. Keep your farm. Keep your lifesavings. Keep your loved one at home, receiving the support you need to do it.

Are you caring for a loved one at home? Have you investigated PACE? Were you told that you do not financially qualify for PACE? Were you told that you would have to sell or liquidate almost everything to qualify for PACE? Do you think PACE is too good to be true?

Get authoritative answers you can count on. Quickly. No nonsense. Many of our PACE families could not believe that their tax dollars could benefit them. Many more subscribe to the “too good to be true” concept. One short, simple phone call can confirm your worst fears of not qualifying or open the door to a new way of life. That part is up to you.


Everyone knows about the COVID Elder Plague now. The facts are well accepted. Victims are overwhelmingly older. And in long-term care facilities. Tragic truth: nursing home residents are 70 times more likely to die of COVID. Executive Orders in New York, New Jersey and Michigan have been deadly.

Last summer, we gave you the good news about at home care. Emergency, limited changes to the Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly (“PACE”). New opportunities for thousands of families to get at-home care without more sacrifice. Keep life savings, cottage, farm, rental properties, business. No Poverty! If you follow the rules. Care services: free. Income: keep it. No co-pay, doughnut hole or other payment.

Many Michigan families acted immediately. We have helped dozens secure at-home care for their loved ones. PACE saves families from the deadly COVID virus stalking long-term care facilities. But we warned you: “COVID-19 emergency rules are temporary. The benefits are permanent. When the emergency is over, these favorable rules will be gone.”

The rules expired November 1, 2020. But now, the emergency rules were extended to April 1, 2021. Five more months for families to get back a little of what they have paid in. That is a big deal. Let’s not put it off again.

Threat to Middle Class Security

You are middle class. You have worked and saved. Since you were 10 years old. You and your spouse have a bit set aside. You are fine! But then…
You are caring for your loved one at home. You applied for help. Rejected! Too much income. Too much savings. A cottage, a business, a farm, stocks, bonds, IRA. Your financial advisor, the accountant, your lawyer. All say the same thing: You must “spend down” all you have achieved. No help until you are broke.

Medicaid Five Year Look-Back

The emergency rules eliminate the “Five Year Look-back”. You truly can preserve what you have earned. Thousands more families could benefit. But tragically, they refuse to believe it is possible. Healthy skepticism hardens into stubborn rejection. Everyone suffers. Clinging to the idea that it is “too good to be true” or “fake news”? Talk to folks who are uncertain and suspicious. Accurate information and proof beat unfounded fears every day.
Fact: You do not have to accept nursing home poverty for yourself or your loved one.

P.A.C.E. Qualifications

Answer Yes to 3 Questions:
1. Need help with activities of daily life? Memory problems? Oxygen therapy? Blindness? Dialysis? These are just a few of the many ways to qualify.
2. Are you safe at home?
3. Social security (gross) less than $2349? (Special rules for pension income.)

We can do the homework together. Most families benefit. Hugely. But it costs nothing to find out.

Get Answers Now: 800-317-2812.

Benefits of Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly

What can PACE do for me? Why not find out? Your team is standing by. PACE is doctors, therapists, dieticians, nurses, physician assistants, administrators. All working together to provide your best solution. Want more detail? Call us.

PACE includes:
On-Site Physician/Medical Supervision; Nursing Care; Physical Therapy; Occupational Therapy; Recreational Therapy; Activities and Exercise; Breakfast, Lunch, Snack; Nutritional Counseling; Social Services; Dental Care; Audiology; Optometry; Podiatry; Women’s Services; Dentistry and Dentures; Optometry and Eyeglasses; Audiology and Hearing Aids; Podiatry, Diabetic Shoes and Orthotics; Cardiology; Rheumatology; Lab Tests; Radiology; X-Rays; Outpatient Surgery; Primary Care Physician: On call 24 hours a day, seven days a week; Skilled Nursing and Assisted Living; Personal Care; Chore Services; Meal Preparation; Emergency Room Visits; Hospitalizations; Inpatient Specialist; Skilled Inpatient Rehabilitation; Transportation Services; Prescriptions; Over-the-Counter Medicines; Transportation; Respite Care and Caregiver Education; Wheelchairs; Walkers; Oxygen; Hospital Beds; Diabetic Testing Supplies; Adult Day Care.

No Poverty. No Charity. No Waste.

We are your team, united by 3 goals and 1 mission.
1. No Poverty. Your family will NOT go broke.
2. No Charity. You paid for these benefits with a lifetime of work and taxes. You earned this.
3. No Waste. Your beneficiaries get whatever is left. For certain.

How Much Time Do You Think You Have? Why Waste It?

Get the straight story. Your loved one is counting on you. Satisfy yourself that you have the right information. It is simple and free. Call and schedule your Discovery Meeting where we will learn about your unique situation and guide you through the process.

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