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Trillions Of Deficit Dollars, Years Of Ridiculous Rules

Child Victims: Speech Pathology, Suicide, Isolation

If You Call The Tune, Do You Have To Pay The Piper?

Ever go to Florida in the winter? Or just remember that first warm day of spring when you simply had to go to The Lake. Once upon a winter dreary, while you shivered weak and weary… But now it’s bright sunny summer sunshine! Pull on your bathing suit… who needs a shirt? Sunscreen? That’s for July! Stretch out on the sand… ahhh! Time for a nap… so nice!

Six hours later… Red as that lobster you had for lunch. Burnt to a tender pink crisp. You’re gonna need an ocean… of Solarcaine lotion. (If you are melaninically endowed and cannot personally relate to this scenario, ask a friend who is not so fortunate.)

Ever have a few too many? Maybe your 18th birthday when you were finally “legal”. Perhaps New Year’s Eve. Last Saturday night? Gosh that was fun! You were the life of the party. Welcome back my friends to the show that never ends! Until closing time. You don’t have to go home, but you can’t stay here.

Next morning… the Russian Army has been camping out on your tongue. Wearing felt boots. Some S.O.B. replaced your brain with hot sand.

Then substituted poached eggs for your eyeballs. Why can’t you feel your legs? What is that awful smell? Is there Alka-Seltzer in the house?!

Saturday and your kid is finally moving out. To their own home/apartment/cave/who really cares? You are helping. Is it parental pride and love? Or do you just want to make sure? Hard to say. But you are happy to tote that barge, lift that bale, carry that couch, relocate that refrigerator.

Sunday… hey, not so bad, there’s life in the old dog yet. Monday… you are immobilized. Egyptians carved on pyramid walls are more flexible than you. Everything hurts and nothing works. All at the same time. There’s not enough ibuprofen. In the world.

Back when we were young, ignorant, idiotic, immature, woke, we could kid ourselves that our actions had no lasting consequences. Do you still believe that? Chickens never come home to roost?

Truth Or Consequences

Do you remember the pre-COVID time? Was it that long ago? Things were different then.

You know that governments have always printed phony fiat money. That is what politicians do. And it is so easy. But once there was a sense of proportion. The politicians would not go “too far.”

And then COVID said, “You can go too far if you want to!” That is why government created trillions of ersatz dollars. Outright thieves stole billions through naked fraud. Ordinary working folks learned too. You can get more money staying home than working. Brilliant! Businesses got billions more in free “loans” and tax credits. Billions more were loaned to feeble firms on skimpy security at insignificant interest rates for 30 years. Repayment deferred for the first 24 months.

Did you think this government geyser of bogus bucks would Build Back Better? Did you think prodigal printing of demon dollars would eliminate the emergency? Did you enthusiastically endorse the Washington wizards who cooked up this cockamamie crapfest?

Small businesses lost and gone forever. Dreadful sorry, Clementine. More small businesses reduced to financial zombies, hooked on government hand- outs, staggering, ready to collapse. Inflation the highest in 40 years. Young children, deprived of ordinary human contact, suffering from speech pathologies at unprecedented rates. Teen suicide more deadly than teen COVID.

TRUTH: Bizarrely, some folks want to let the “good” times roll on. Having already spent trillions of your grandchildren’s dollars on “infrastructure” (a word which means whatever they want it to mean), they want more. They always want more.

CONSEQUENCE: Inflation is the highest in 40 years. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics:

consumer price index chart selected categories

TRUTH: Some folks want to scare you into believing that COVID kills kids. Not true now. Never been true. COVID is the Elder Plague. If you are over 70, it can be a killer. Your Elder Law Reporter has been saying so for years. All the reliable, scientific, government-approved information has been consistent on this point.

CONSEQUENCE: Children subjected to extreme, debilitating restrictions based on fear, not fact. And now that the public opinion polls are turning against them, power-grabbing politicians have suddenly discovered science. They are running away from their own rules. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:

covid weekly cases and deaths

TRUTH: Children need to interact with one another to grow up healthy and smart. Shutting classrooms and masking faces deprives kids of the experiences they need to live good, productive, satisfying lives. Or even speak clearly.

CONSEQUENCE: “We’ve seen a 364% patient increase in patient referrals of babies and toddlers from pediatricians and parents,” said Jaclyn Theek, a clinic director and speech-language pathologist at the Speech and Learning Institute in North Palm Beach, Florida.

Theek said that during this pandemic, her speech therapy clinic has seen an enormous shift in the ages of its patients. Before the pandemic, only 5% of patients were babies and toddlers, while today it’s soared to 20%. Many parents call it “COVID- delayed.” WPBF News, ABC 25.

What Does Any Of This Have To Do With LifePlanning™?

Remember supply and demand? What do you suppose happens if your supply of health care providers are burned out and quitting? And they are burned out and quitting, according to a U.S. National Institutes of Health study: Burnout in United States Healthcare Professionals: A Narrative Review.

Burnout has reached rampant levels among United States (US) healthcare professionals, with over one-half of physicians and one-third of nurses experiencing symptoms. The burnout epidemic is detrimental to patient care and may exacerbate the impending physician shortage.

Another study, by the Florida Atlantic University’s School of Nursing finds:

The survey reports that nearly 37 percent of nurses identify as being burned out, stressed and/ or overworked.
*** 29 percent of nurses say their desire to leave the profession is dramatically higher now versus pre-pandemic
*** 66 percent of nurses expressed some level of consideration to leave the profession, signaling long-term impacts on our health system post-pandemic.

Is it ridiculous to think that if you have fewer nurses, you would have to pay more to hire the nurses that are still available?

Have you ever wondered what a nursing home costs? Wonder no longer.

But does a nursing facility charge real people that much money? How would you like to get this bill in the mail?

And another the next month and for each month thereafter? Pandemic burn out, plus the “age wave” of Baby Boomers surging into long-term care facilities or requiring at-home care, means that these skyrocketing prices are not over yet.

State Of Michigan Admits Long-Term Care Costs Are Soaring

Each year, the State of Michigan, through its Bridges Eligibility Manual, tells us how much a month in a long-term care facility should cost. This year, the number is up almost 10%. Michigan believes that skilled nursing costs Nine Thousand Eight Hundred Eighty Dollars ($9880) each month.

How will you pay for that? How will you avoid nursing home poverty? How will you make sure caregivers get paid? How will you provide for the next generation? That is what LifePlanning™ is all about.

Is Now A Bad Time For A Real Solution?

Perhaps you already have all the answers. Maybe this is no problem at all. Possibly you do not believe in the passage of time.

Your habits and values have earned you peace of mind and financial security. LifePlanning™ is the easy part. You worked for the peace that only comes with financial security. What is most important, legal documents? Avoiding probate, is that the best you can do? Is family about inheritance? Or are the deeper things most significant?

Is any of this easy? Do you want to get lost in the overwhelming flood of claims and promises? Or would you like straight answers?

medical bill account summary

Well, here you are. Now you know. No excuses. Get the information, insight, inspiration. It is your turn. Ignore the message? Invite poverty? Or get the freely offered information. To make wise decisions. For you. For your loved ones.

The LifePlan™ Workshop has been the first step on the path to security and peace for thousands of families. Why not your family?

No Poverty. No Charity. No Waste.
It is not chance. It is choice. Your choice.

Get Information Now. (800) 317-2812

You know. Everyone knows. COVID Elder Plague facts are familiar. Well known. Nothing to argue about. Victims are overwhelmingly older. Most in long-term care facilities. Tragic, infuriating truth: nursing home residents are 70 times more likely to die of COVID. Government Policies, Executive Orders have been deadly.

Are COVID rates rising among the young? Not really. U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) consistently show 95% of COVID deaths among those over 50 years old. Surprised? Check it out: https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#demographics

Even now, some state bureaucrats mishandle COVID vaccinations. Fatal delays for elders. The CDC initially showed Michigan’s vaccination rate among the worst. Hapless officials offered technical-sounding “dog ate my homework” type excuses. Weeks later, current CDC data shows Michigan still lags. See for yourself: https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#vaccinations Michigan elders are paying with their lives.

MEDICAID PROGRAM – Pace Expansion Is A Big Deal

Emergency, limited changes to the Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly (“PACE”). New opportunities for thousands of families. At-home care without more sacrifice. You can keep your lifesavings, cottage, farm, rental properties, business. No Poverty! By following the rules. Care services: free – fair return for what you paid in. Income: keep it. No co-pay, doughnut hole or other bamboozling malarkey.

We helped dozens secure at-home care for their loved ones. Belief: PACE saved many families from the deadly COVID virus stalking long-term care facilities.

“COVID-19 emergency rules are temporary. The benefits are permanent. When the emergency is over, these favorable rules will be gone.” Lifesaving benefits for a lifetime.

The special rules originally expired November 1, 2020. But were extended to April 1, 2021. Seemed like a long time, right? Unfortunately, the extra time is almost up. Like sands through the hourglass… Tick tock. One last chance for your family to get back a little of what you paid in. It is a big deal. And it is almost gone.

PACE itself is not going away. PACE will continue to provide quality of life to Middle-class Michigan. PACE has served us well since 1969. Not going nowhere. What is going away are the favorable eligibility rules that have saved so much for so many families. Soon it will be more expensive. More complex. More difficult. More challenging. What is your excuse to delay?

Threat To Middle Class Security

You are Middle-class Michigan. You have worked and saved. Since you were 10 years old. You and your spouse have a bit set aside. You are fine! But then…

You are caring for your loved one at home. You applied for help. Rejected! Too much income. Too much savings. A cottage, a business, a farm, stocks, bonds, IRA.

Your financial advisor, the accountant, your lawyer. All say the same thing: You must “spend down” all you have achieved. No help until you are broke.

Healthy Skepticism Or Deadly Doubt?

COVID emergency rules changed all that! Many more families can get the PACE benefits they earned. Yours included? Tragically, some refuse to believe it is possible. Healthy skepticism hardens into stubborn rejection. Everyone suffers. Clinging to the idea that it is “too good to be true” or “fake news”? Pitiful. Talk to folks who are uncertain and suspicious. Accurate information and proof beat unfounded fears every day. Fact: You do not have to accept nursing home poverty for yourself or your loved one.

Do You Or Your Loved One Qualify?

Answer Yes To 3 Questions:

  • 1. Need help with activities of daily life? Memory problems? Cognition issues? Daily oxygen therapy? Blindness? Dialysis? These are just a few of the many ways to qualify.
  • 2. Are you safe at home?
  • 3. 2021 Social security (gross) less than $2382? (Special strategies to reduce pension income.)

We can do the homework together. Most families benefit. Hugely. But it costs nothing to find out.

Get Answers Now: (800) 317-2812

What Are The Benefits?

What can PACE do for me? Why not find out? Your team is standing by. PACE is doctors, therapists, dieticians, nurses, physician assistants, administrators. All working together to provide your best solution. Want more detail? Call us.

PACE includes:
On-Site Physician/Medical Supervision; Nursing Care; Physical Therapy; Occupational Therapy; Recreational Therapy; Activities and Exercise; Breakfast, Lunch, Snack; Nutritional Counseling; Social Services; Dental Care; Audiology; Optometry; Podiatry; Women’s Services; Dentistry and Dentures; Optometry and Eyeglasses; Audiology and Hearing Aids; Podiatry, Diabetic Shoes and Orthotics; Cardiology; Rheumatology; Lab Tests; Radiology; X-Rays; Outpatient Surgery; Primary Care Physician: On call 24 hours a day, seven days a week; Physical and Occupational Therapy; Personal Care; Chore Services; Meal Preparation; Emergency Room Visits; Hospitalizations; Inpatient Specialist; Skilled Inpatient Rehabilitation; Transportation Services; Prescriptions; Over-the-Counter Medicines; Transportation; Respite Care and Caregiver Education; Wheelchairs; Walkers; Oxygen; Hospital Beds; Diabetic Testing Supplies; Adult Day Care.

No Poverty. No Handouts. No Waste.

Your team is united by 3 goals and 1 mission.

  • 1. No Poverty. Your family will NOT go broke.
  • 2. No Handouts. You paid for these benefits with a lifetime of work and taxes. You earned this.
  • 3. No Waste. Your beneficiaries get whatever is left. For certain. No crazy fees. No probate.

Mission: We make the rules work for the folks who play by the rules.

How Much Time Do You Think You Have? Why Waste It?

Get the straight story. Your loved one is counting on you. Satisfy yourself that you have the right information. It is simple and free. Your Discovery meeting is just a couple days away. Looking forward to meeting you.

Every PACE case. Every Medicaid case. Every long-term case. Each case is exhaustively documented and thoroughly prepared. Each case is audited. Each case must be correct. There is no margin for error. “Close” is not good enough. “Almost” equals loss. We do not tolerate, cheer, or accept failure. Not an option. Because your family is on the line. Your life work is at stake. It must be done right. And that takes time.

GET ANSWERS NOW. (800) 317-2812

COVID-19. Everyone has an opinion. Fear-mongering headlines are everywhere. Widespread destruction of American middle class hopes and dreams. Out of work. Out of school. Out of money. Out of hope. Why is anyone surprised that some young people turn against fundamental American ideals of honor and fair play? What if America had responded to polio, yellow fever, whooping cough, German measles, other devastating disease pandemics by depriving regular citizens of their rights to worship, associate with others, seek their fortune, pursue happiness?

COVID-19 falls heaviest on older Americans. It is truly an Elder Plague. The numbers have not changed. The older you are, the more deadly COVID-19. Americans over the age of 85 make up only 3.4% of COVID-19 cases, but a full 32% of deaths. Almost ten times as many. Younger Americans, under age 50, suffer 64.1% of COVID-19 infections. What percentage of deaths? Five percent. 5%. FIVE PERCENT. So. Older folks – ten times MORE likely to die. Younger folks – thirteen times LESS likely.

Wear your mask. Wash your hands. Take your temperature. Take care. Be on guard. Be wise. COVID-19 is a killer. That 5% of under-50 deaths represents almost seven thousand, five hundred Americans whose lives were cut short. Seven thousand, five hundred Americans who will never reach their full potential. Seven thousand, five hundred American tragedies.

And now, for the rest of the story.

High School Kids’ Despair Equals Suicide and Drug Abuse

“But there has been another cost that we’ve seen, particularly in high schools. We’re seeing, sadly, far greater suicides now than we are deaths from COVID. We’re seeing far greater deaths from drug overdose that are above excess that we had as background than we are seeing the deaths from COVID.”

Idle Hands are the Devil’s Workshop

We are not doctors, virologists, epidemiologists, or data analysts. But something seems odd here, doesn’t it? COVID-19 falls heaviest on the elderly. Hardly at all on working age and younger people. Yet rather than focus on those in need, politicians completely lock down society. No work. No play. No school. No church. Unsurprisingly, teenage suicides and drug deaths skyrocket. Frustration and boredom find outlet in politically correct protests, riots, and violence. Why do so many politicians embrace mindless destruction now and a defenseless future? Fear? Sympathy?

Some people ask, “Is there a better way?” We wonder, “Could there be a worse way?”

Middle Class Will Prevail

But as we all know, something that cannot go on forever, will not. Sooner or later, the pendulum swings back. Can you feel it? Did you get that sense, sometime last week, that things had gone far enough? Too far? We are patient. We are kind. We do not think ill of others. Slow to anger. But enough is enough. Too much waste. Too much greed. Too much self-righteous, self-satisfied, smug entitlement. Too much disrespect. “For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind.” Hosea 8:7


Wealthy folks are fine. They have lots of lawyers chasing them. Deserving poor get it for free. The Middle Class pays. Until there is nothing left. Then, scraps. We are here to serve you. LifePlanning™ is designed for and serves the Michigan Middle Class. Now. While you are still here. And who else even talks about it? You could do worse than give us a call and discover the choices LifePlanning™ and your hard work have made possible for you.

Get Answers Today! Call 1-800-317-2812

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, many people are now either considering putting an estate plan in place or reviewing their existing documents. Everyone should have an estate plan in place, whether there is a global pandemic or things are just fine for you now. Planning for the future just makes sense.

Once you decide that you need an estate plan, the next question, is “What documents do I need?”. Every competent adult should have a properly written Healthcare Power of Attorney document and Financial Power of Attorney document. (More on those in a separate article).

Some people wonder if they need a trust, or quickly dismiss a trust as an option – either because they don’t understand the benefits of a trust or think it is only for those with a net worth in the millions.

A trust is a legal document, created by a Grantor, and managed by the Trustee. Often, the Grantor and Trustee can be you – the person who creates the trust. There are many types of trusts and each has its own specific purpose. In general, the Trustee manages the assets in the Trust while the Grantor is alive, and transfers the trust assets to the beneficiaries upon the Grantor’s death.

Years ago, Trusts were a method to save on inheritance taxes. Unless your estate is approaching $11.5 million, this is not a concern for most people. Today trusts are used more for managing your assets while you are alive and distributing your assets the way you wish upon your death.

Trusts provide many benefits, including: 1) the ability to protect your assets while you are alive, by keeping your assets away from creditors or the nursing home, and leaving a legacy, 2) avoiding probate court and saving your heirs legal expenses and time upon your passing, 3) avoiding estate recovery if the State pays for your nursing home care, 4) providing a trust for your beneficiaries so your beneficiaries don’t lose your life savings to creditors, an ex-spouse or the nursing home, 5) the ability to more easily manage your assets if you are alive but not competent, 6) provide special needs planning if your beneficiary is not able to manage his/her assets due to a disability, and 7) a properly funded trust will avoid probate court when you die, and keep your estate private.

Selecting the right type of trust and drafting it for your own specific circumstance should be performed by an experienced Estate Planning attorney. Some people will research articles on the internet, and download a trust thinking that they will save themselves some money. Practicing Estate Planning is not something you want to risk with your life savings. The failure to have a properly drafted and funded trust can be expensive to fix later or cost you money by not properly protecting your assets for you or your beneficiaries. Some of the pitfalls are: not funding a trust, not having the right trust in place, estate recovery by the state, not protecting your beneficiaries.

Estate Planning is more complex than most people think. Don’t make the mistake of not putting a plan in place just because the thought of planning is daunting. The sooner you put an estate plan in place the sooner your life earnings will be protected, which will give you peace of mind.

Call 616-361-8400 now to schedule a free consultation with one of our experienced Estate Planning attorneys.

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