Medicare Made Simple

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Are you turning 65 soon?

If you are turning 65 within the next 12 months, newly eligible due to a loss of group or retiree coverage, or eligible due to a Social Security Disability, this workshop, taught in easy-to-understand terms, is for you! Making the right choices (particularly when you are first eligible) could save you hundred to thousands of dollars over your lifetime. We will be discussing Medicare Parts A, B, C. D, Medicare Advantage vs. Medigap plans, Part D prescription drug plans, enrollment deadlines and penalties, and Medicare out-of- pocket costs and coverage. This class will help you make timely and informed decisions that are based on your specific healthcare needs and budgets.

Presented by Nancy Courser from Ron Courser & Associates Wealth Management

Join us on March 23, 5:30-6:30 for our presentation ‘Medicare Made Simple’
You will learn:

  • Coverage options
  • When to do what
  • Tips for choosing a Medicare Part D plan
  • De-mystifying Medicare enrollment
  • Resources and tools to assist you in your decision making

Note: This workshop is for educational purposes only and no health plan benefits will be discussed.
About the Presenter: Nancy Courser – Retirement Healthcare Advisor
Nancy has 12 years of healthcare planning experience in the individual marketplace with an emphasis on healthcare planning in retirement.  Her specialty is helping people with Medicare – especially when they are first eligible at 65 or no longer working and have access to group health coverage.  She has been quoted several times in the Wall Street Journal.  She is a member of the American Association for Medicare and Long-Term Care Insurance, Association of Human Resource Managers and WMAHU.
The Law Offices of David L. Carrier, P.C.
3275 Cooley Drive
Portage, MI 49024

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