Join David on Sunday Morning

Get Answers to Your Questions

David Carrier invites you to join him on his weekly radio program. Be a part of the conversation and get answers to your questions about Estate Planning, Medicaid Planning, Probate, Trust and so much more.

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David will discuss interesting topics that you have asked for. The webinar will be interactive, informative and engaging.

Newsradio WOOD 1300 and 106.9 FM (WOOD-AM)

Listen to recent episodes of David’s show


Want to Know More?

For more information, call Carrier Law at (800) 317-2812.



Sign up now to join David for his Free Live Radio webinar. After you register, you will receive an email with details on how to access the webinar.

Upcoming Webinar

Sunday, January xx 7:00AM – 9:00AM

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Have a Question?

Our friendly and experienced team is ready to answer your questions.

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