michigan medicaid benefits crackdown june 2023

The following memo has been sent to all our clients… even those who are not in long-term care. It is that important. Most families on Medicaid are impoverished… they did not take our advice… Denial of benefits means the loss of all so-called “protected” assets, like the homestead. “Lady Bird deeds” will not protect you. Ignoring the problem will make it worse.

Are You One Of The Millions About To Lose?

Michigan Medicaid Crack Down Begins June 2023
June 2023 – Brutal Accountability Starts Now
Do Not Be a Victim… Keep Your Benefits

In normal times, everyone on Medicaid reported their finances every year. EVERY YEAR. The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) checked to make sure that everyone getting benefits was entitled to those benefits. Medicaid calls these audits “Redetermination.” And every year, in normal times, hundreds, thousands of Michiganders made mistakes and lost Medicaid benefits. In 12 short months, dangerous errors put benefits at risk.

During the COVID years, this changed. MDHHS stopped reviewing. For more than 3 years nobody has checked anyone’s finances. For more than 3 years, improper Medicaid benefits have continued. Millions have received benefits; billions have been spent. Spend, spend, spend. No audits. No accountability. No one has been checking. No Redeterminations.

Now that is all over. Yesterday’s news. No more COVID emergency. Federal spending propped up Michigan Medicaid. That money is gone. Long gone. MDHHS auditors have sharpened their pencils. The old system is back. With a vengeance. Starting June 2023.

Failure Is VERY EASY. Innocence is NO DEFENSE.

Think about it. In only 12 months, thousands of folks will violate simple Medicaid Rules. Not “on purpose.” But it happens. And now we have gone 40 months. National news outlets report that millions will lose. Without knowing it!

How can this happen? Easily! For example: Nursing home residents keep $60 per month. Not much, right? But over three years of lock downs, it builds up. If your Medicaid loved one has $2000 + $1, your loved one has lost eligibility. While nursing home private pay rates have skyrocketed. Time to say good-bye to the homestead. How? Why?

Benefits are now denied. There is no money. But you “saved” the homestead. Fine, now sell it! (No! It is NOT “protected”). Give the nursing home all the money. Now what? Now you will have to start over, from the beginning, and go through the entire Medicaid process AGAIN. With no safety net.

Millions Will Lose Benefits. No Question. But Why Should Your Loved One Be a Victim?

Your Carrier Team saw this coming. From the beginning. What we did not foresee was how long it would go on. We did not think it would get this bad. But here we are.

Don’t lose benefits for your loved one. You must handle 3 years of redeterminations correctly. Any misstep could waste all the time, money, work, and effort you already invested. Why jeopardize your loved one’s benefits? It is up to you. Will ignoring the problem solve it? Will MDHHS just go away? Is now a bad time to fix things? Do you know anyone better than us to help?

Is Failure Acceptable for Your Family?

Does Anyone Know Better than the Team Who Secured Medicaid Benefits in the First Place?

Exclusively for you. Families like yours, who trusted the Carrier Team with the Medicaid Application, get top priority and a 33% discount.

Step One: Schedule your Redetermination Initial Review.

Redetermination Initial Review includes collection of all financial documentation from the date of your initial Medicaid approval to today.

What has been going on for the last 3 years? Is the financial house in order? How can problems, issues, gaps, errors, mistakes be fixed? BEFORE redetermination denies your benefits?

Can you trust our experience, skills, and resources to develop the best plan for your family? Like thousands of other West Michigan families, you already have! You earned the benefits, we secured them for you. Why should you lose it all now?

Get your Redetermination Action Plan after a thorough, in-depth review and consultation. You can implement it yourself but we are standing by to assist you.

Nursing Home: $12,000 – $15,000 per month Assisted Living: $6000 – $10,000 per month Rescue Benefits: $1000

You trust us, we cut fees for you. Other families are paying $1500 for the Redetermination Initial Review. You are paying 33% less: $1000. (Discount and expedited priority available only for our existing client families. Relationships Matter.)

Your Redetermination Initial Review identifies issues and essential fixes. You can choose to handle the Redetermination all by yourself. No charge. If you wish for the Team to take care of business, an additional fixed fee will be quoted. You decide whether the cost/benefit works for you. If you choose to have the Team secure your loved one’s future, the initial $1000 payment will be credited to any future fee.

Should you try this on your own when you have experts available to help you? Is it wrong to think that your loved one deserves continued coverage and care? Should your family suffer because a pandemic stopped yearly redeterminations?


P.S. There is no “close enough” when it comes to Medicaid eligibility. If you have a million dollars too many, you are disqualified. If you have one extra dollar, you are disqualified.

P.P.S. Disqualification does not mean IMMEDIATE DENIAL of benefits. Adverse Actions will not take place until the following month. When you are disqualified, do not give up. It may still be possible to avoid loss of benefits. Maybe.

P.P.P.S. Ever play the party game “Musical Chairs”? Sooner or later, the music stops and someone loses. The music is stopping on June 1. Will you choose to lose?

P.P.P.P.S. I just re-read this letter. It is not kind or gentle. Rather harsh. Know what else is harsh? Getting disqualified, losing benefits, getting sued, and having your homestead taken away. Alarm clocks are harsh too. Wake up or stay sleeping. Your choice.

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