In this Zoom VIRTUAL workshop, you will learn:

  • Overview of the Trust Funding Process
  • 3 Pitfalls of not re-titling assets into a trust
  • How to verify assets are funded
  • When to review and update your funding
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Presented by

Stacey Williams and Kate Cook

About the Presenters: Stacey Williams and Kate Cook have many years experience funding estate plans for our clients. They share a passion for customer service and making sure that we make the rules work for people who play by the rules. Aside from a comprehensive estate plan, funding is the most important part of making sure that our clients protect what they have worked hard for.



Sign up now and join us for this Educational Series ZOOM Webinar. Once you have registered, you will receive an email with details on how to access the webinar.

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Two hours that can change your life.

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