In this free workshop, you will:

  • A look in the rear-view mirror – reflecting on your first 40–45 years.
  • Reaching the half-way mark going from surviving to thriving with your empty nest.
  • What about this “retirement” thing? Or could it be “redirection?”
  • Finishing the last quarter well and running your race in style: embracing the roses and dealing with the thorns!
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robert c. devries and susan zonnebelt-smeege
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Presented by

Dr. Robert C. DeVries, Pastor and Seminary Prof. (emeritus) and Dr. Susan Zonnebelt-Smeenge,
Registered Nurse and Psychologist


4965 E. Beltline Avenue NE,
Grand Rapids, MI 49525


Two hours that can change your life.

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Find a workshop location near you:


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